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Articles in the Love and Relationships Category

We break all the taboos and open the door to the subject of sex and relationships by covering topics such as anal sex for both genders – and why women hate (or love) oral sex. The Bridge Magazine also aims to launch a large-scale survey to illuminate our readers’ sexual habits, as well as what young people want and need to know about their sexuality. We provide advice on frequently asked questions from experts on subjects ranging from natural aphrodisiacs, premature ejaculation and contraception to STDs, HIV, Mirena IUS menopause and fertility treatment…

Featured, Love and Relationships »

[ 20 Feb 2016 | One Comment | 4,259 views]
It might be time to turn up the heat and try out-of-the-box activities to arouse the fire on Valentine’s, but recent facts on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) must raise eyebrows. The Bridge MAG. Image

As the world celebrated Valentine’s Day on 14 February 2016, three out of seven couples surveyed by The Bridge Magazine admitted to having frequently performed unconventional sexual acts to rekindle their sex lives.
Valentine’s Day is traditionally the date for romance, flirtation, expressions of love and of sexual desire. The date on which red is crowned queen of colours, the warmest and most sensual of them …

Love and Relationships »

[ 27 Feb 2015 | No Comment | 10,870 views]
Danger !!! Au Royaume-Uni, Le Public Health England lance l'alerte et incite à utiliser le préservatif. Au Royaume-Uni, deux cas de gonorrhée résistant au traitement classique ont été diagnostiqués. The Bridge MAG. Image

Lorsque l’un des célibataires les plus convoités et endurcis d’Hollywood décide  de se stabiliser en épousant la jeune et  brillante  spécialiste en droit international, la nouvelle fait la une  des journaux dans le monde.
Madame Amal Clooney  est certes  la juriste  diplômée des universités d’Oxford et de New York qui a  fait ses preuves dans le   prestigieux cabinet londonien Doughty Street Chambers.
Cependant,   les photos parlent d’elles-mêmes …