Articles in the Love and Relationships Category
We break all the taboos and open the door to the subject of sex and relationships by covering topics such as anal sex for both genders – and why women hate (or love) oral sex. The Bridge Magazine also aims to launch a large-scale survey to illuminate our readers’ sexual habits, as well as what young people want and need to know about their sexuality. We provide advice on frequently asked questions from experts on subjects ranging from natural aphrodisiacs, premature ejaculation and contraception to STDs, HIV, Mirena IUS menopause and fertility treatment…
Love and Relationships »

Notre éditorial reste déconcerté par le nombre de vidéos à caractère sexuel circulant quotidiennement dans les réseaux sociaux depuis ces dernières années.
Sur les réseaux sociaux, la mal bouche, l’avilissement de la nudité et le dénigrement sexuel sont devenus la norme. Les esprits revanchards, les mal aimés (es) ou apprentis sexologues prennent un malin plaisir à vilipender au quotidien la sexualité de certaines tribus, de certaines …
Featured, Love and Relationships »

Our editorial remains baffled by the number of sex videos circulating daily on social media in recent years. On social media, defamation, depravation of nudity and sexual denigration have become the norm.
Revengeful spirits, the unloved or apprentice sexologists take malicious pleasure in vilifying the sexuality of certain tribes, certain races, certain social classes or certain age groups on a daily basis in order to gain popularity.
According …