Articles in the Love and Relationships Category
We break all the taboos and open the door to the subject of sex and relationships by covering topics such as anal sex for both genders – and why women hate (or love) oral sex. The Bridge Magazine also aims to launch a large-scale survey to illuminate our readers’ sexual habits, as well as what young people want and need to know about their sexuality. We provide advice on frequently asked questions from experts on subjects ranging from natural aphrodisiacs, premature ejaculation and contraception to STDs, HIV, Mirena IUS menopause and fertility treatment…
Love and Relationships »

C’est le cœur meurtri que notre éditorial constate que la Saint Valentin ait été uniquement sexualisée au fil des décennies, comme si dans l’histoire de toute l’humanité l’amour se résumait SEULEMENT à l’attirance ou la passion sexuelle.
Le monde se meut, la conception traditionnelle des parents (une mère et un père de sexes différents) prend une claque en pleine figure. Avec la crise des genres naissent …
Featured, Love and Relationships »

It is with a broken heart that our editorial acknowledges that Valentine’s Day has been solely sexualised over the decades, as if throughout the whole history of humanity, love has always been reduced to or associated with sexual attraction or passion ONLY.
The world evolves and with it, the traditional concept of parenthood, parents mainly being perceived as a mother and a father is being ridiculed. …