Articles in the Love and Relationships Category
We break all the taboos and open the door to the subject of sex and relationships by covering topics such as anal sex for both genders – and why women hate (or love) oral sex. The Bridge Magazine also aims to launch a large-scale survey to illuminate our readers’ sexual habits, as well as what young people want and need to know about their sexuality. We provide advice on frequently asked questions from experts on subjects ranging from natural aphrodisiacs, premature ejaculation and contraception to STDs, HIV, Mirena IUS menopause and fertility treatment…
Love and Relationships »

Women slavery- forced marriage, female circumcision, fake virginity are still in vogue- will women ever escape from deep-rooted fundamentalist traditions?
A clever young girl’s ambition of becoming a solicitor has been wrecked forever after Halton Magistrates’ Court convicted her parents with her murder.
The parents of the 17-year-old Shafile Ahmed, from Warrington (originally Pakistan), were desperate to force her into a marriage, it was revealed.
Forced marriages are …
Love and Relationships »

Prime Minister David Cameron is considering legalising gay marriage in the UK – despite the European Union’s failure to export the policy to Cameroon -a former British colony.
The move come after Mr Cameron reiterated at the annual Conservative Party Conference in Manchester on October 5 , 2011, that he was planning to build on the legalisation of civil partnerships between same-sex couples introduced by his …