Articles in the Love and Relationships Category
We break all the taboos and open the door to the subject of sex and relationships by covering topics such as anal sex for both genders – and why women hate (or love) oral sex. The Bridge Magazine also aims to launch a large-scale survey to illuminate our readers’ sexual habits, as well as what young people want and need to know about their sexuality. We provide advice on frequently asked questions from experts on subjects ranging from natural aphrodisiacs, premature ejaculation and contraception to STDs, HIV, Mirena IUS menopause and fertility treatment…
Love and Relationships »

It is sad that many of us have grown up being constantly warned about the risks and dangers of expressing ourselves sexually. Some sexual practices can be inspirational, when applied with awareness and skill.
From the greatest erotic illustrators of the 18th and contemporary centuries, via modern-day adult movies to individuals’ experiences behind closed doors, recent generations have seen couples become more accepting of sexual practices once …
Love and Relationships »

Has your man put pressure on you to perform in bed? Are you ready, like Melissa, to go to extra lengths by unleashing the inner sex goddess in you to save your relationship?
Two days ago, Melissa S (name changed) arrived at her fiancé’s flat for a surprise visit. Ten minutes later she walked out in tears, clutching another woman’s bra and wondering how she was …