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[ 27 Nov 2024 | 5 Comments | 16,611 views]
Humans should be what we value the most in life. Noir November- Our editorial apprehends the notion of death very seriously as it is always a TRAGEDY! The requiem of all the deceased is not going unnoticed: This November, The Bridge Magazine dedicates a moment of silence, a candle lit, its thoughts and prayers for the loss of humans worldwide. The loss of humans is ALWAYS a TRAGEDY as medical breakthroughs, religions, sects, cults, magic, politics, Artificial Intelligence, are yet to resurrect the dead. The Bridge MAG. Image

La perte d’êtres humains est TOUJOURS une TRAGÉDIE car les avancées médicales, les religions, les sectes, les cultes et pratiques rituelles, la magie, la politique, la magie sacrificielle, l’Intelligence Artificielle, n’ont pas encore ressuscité les morts.

La mort méprise les détails : géographique, d’ethnicité, de tribu, du genre, de classe sociale, de teintes de peau !

Les décès les plus récents en date résultent soit des catastrophes …

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[ 20 Nov 2024 | 5 Comments | 16,438 views]
Humans should be what we value the most in life. Our editorial stands in solidarity with the world in mourning. The Bridge MAG. Image

The loss of humans is ALWAYS a TRAGEDY as medical breakthroughs, religions, sects, cults, magic, politics, Artificial Intelligence, are yet to resurrect the dead.
Death disregards details: geographical, ethnic, tribal, gender, social class, skin tones!
From natural disasters such as: apocalyptic flooding in Spain, France, earthquakes in Dschang in West Cameroon, Morocco, Taiwan, casualties in Darfur, Gaza, Bagdad, Congo…  by extension the unreported deaths from around the …