Articles in the High-Profile People Category
Authority and credibility are essential in journalism. The Bridge Magazine relies on leading lights in their fields to give their expert opinions on news events, issues and debates
High-Profile People »

Alors que le monde venait d’assister à un autre mariage royal britannique, The Bridge Magazine interviewe un expert de la haute hiérarchie des Nations Unies en démographie et en études de population.
Les experts en démographie ont une ouverture sur le monde. Spécialistes en statistiques sociales, ils ont un accès privilégié aux micro-données confidentielles et aux ateliers de formation en statistiques sociales. Très aguerris des problèmes …
Featured, High-Profile People »

As the world gets ready to witness another British royal wedding, The Bridge Magazine interviews a high-ranking United Nations expert in demography and population studies.
Experts in demographics are highly aware of how personal experiences impact on human behaviour and the psyche, and consequently influence our interaction in society, as well as population and socio-economic improvement.
“A peacemaker, smart, a patriarch, sociable and altruistic” is how Dackam …