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Articles in the High-Profile People Category

Authority and credibility are essential in journalism. The Bridge Magazine relies on leading lights in their fields to give their expert opinions on news events, issues and debates

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[ 24 Jul 2012 | One Comment | 7,125 views]
Copy of Lee Hadwin favorite piece

‘Sleepwalking artist’ Lee Hadwin is to revolutionise the way contemporary art is perceived after the Trump Organisation splashed out an undisclosed six figure sum on one of his masterpieces.
The 36 year old artist, who hails from North Wales, started drawing unconsciously at the age of four. He recently launched his debut exhibition, Vision, in London’s Barclays Premier Lounge, Regent Street, showcasing some of the startling …

Featured, High-Profile People »

[ 25 Jun 2012 | 23 Comments | 39,531 views]

There is something you can never take away from Italian men: their natural charm. And high-ranking capitalist and academic, Alberto Forchielli, is no exception. But behind Forchielli’s well-shaped eyebrows and piercing eyes is the focused mind of a sharp operator and with a strong sense of entrepreneurialism.
Alberto Forchielli was, as the ageold saying goes, ‘born with a silver spoon in his mouth’: he is one of those …