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Alberto Forchielli is to splash two-thirds of 1 billion euros, made available by Mandarin Capital Partners private equity fund, to acquire German companies in a bid to fuel world economic growth.
In Shanghai, the Chinese government recently launched a fund of 50 billion Yuan – the equivalent of 6.3 billion euro – with which it aims to purchase overseas companies.
Any private equity firm wishing to compete …
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Could Emmy-nominated reporter turned movie star, Stacey Turner, become the next seductive foil for 007 in the iconic forty-year-old film franchise James Bond?
After landing a role in a film with Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock, an outing opposite Ian Flemming’s debonair Alpha-male of espionage cannot be far out of reach for a talented actress blessed with beauty and intelligence.
On Thursday 6 September 2012, in an …