Articles in the Featured Category
Beauty and Health, Featured »
As the application of false eyelashes among two thirds of women leaves eyelids sore, swollen, bloodshot, prone to infection, or even at risk of cancer, Castor oil would seem to be the safer alternative.
One of the features that distinguishes men from women is their eyelashes. Women’s eyelashes tend to be longer, thicker, curlier and more alluring than men’s. In fact, eyelashes are so closely associated …
Beauty and Health, Featured »
The all-in-one natural oil, Argan, has all the properties to ensure it becomes the most precious oil for humans. As well as having the potential to revolutionise the beauty and health industry, Argan also soothes and heals baby rashes, acne, acne scars, beard and stubble rashes, hair loss, baldness, premature aging, stretch marks, sun damage, skin and nail damage, as well as being an agent …