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[ 20 Dec 2014 | 3 Comments | 7,507 views]
L'accent est mis sur l'espoir d’une paix plausible pour tous les enfants de la planète. "Avoir de l'espoir dans un sens artistique, ne signifie pas nécessairement croire que le monde est vertueux. Il suffit de croire qu'il n’est pas impossible qu’il le devienne." Joseph Conrad The Bridge MAG. Image

From a convicted US paedophile jailed recently in Kenya to a UK doctor jailed in London over abuse of child cancer patients, as well as the thousands of African children orphaned by Ebola and themselves dependent on a controversial vaccine, there currently seems to be a synchronicity of horrors rocking the world. 
As a matter of routine, our world exclusive editorial each December has always devoted …

Featured, Urban Legend »

[ 20 Nov 2014 | One Comment | 11,636 views]
Cecilia, la créature aquatique maléfique hybride : mi- femme, mi- poisson sans âme ou conscience possédant des pouvoirs surnaturels. The Bridge MAG. Image

The names of persons have been changed in the story below.
A handsome, rich and noble man of great wealth and eminent for his virtues found himself caught in the middle of a ‘mermaid curse’ after his one night stand beauty encounter ‘mystically’ transformed herself on the bed at dawn into a fresh fish, then vanished, leaving him with a curse that has to be lifted …