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Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 Apr 2024 | 5 Comments | 13,712 views]
Dans la continuité de la célébration du 11e Anniversaire de The Bridge Magazine et de la mise à jour de la publication de la série des livres The Bridge Books ; Rachel Tcheungna annonce le total de la série de ses livres publiés à 23 livres éducatifs, en versions anglaise et française désormais disponibles pour une distribution mondiale. The Bridge MAG. Image

Chocolate and Easter remain the perfect match with 2024 Easter month set to have been the top chocolate selling month of the year worldwide.
According to medical researchers, Raw, Organic cold – pressed chocolate is composed of the most important vitamins for human health all in one food, containing over 88% of antioxidants needed by our bodies.
Both food and beauty consumers continue to splash cash on …

Art and Culture, Featured »

[ 20 Mar 2024 | 3 Comments | 13,863 views]
Dans la continuité de la célébration du 12e Anniversaire de The Bridge Magazine et de la mise à jour de la publication de la série des livres The Bridge Books ; Rachel Tcheungna annonce le total de la série de ses livres publiés à 23 livres éducatifs, en versions anglaise et française désormais disponibles pour une distribution mondiale. The Bridge MAG. Image

It is with great sadness that our editorial discovers that the film industry has become a dying art at a time when   it should be advocated as the back bone of general culture worldwide.

It is a shame that there is a lack of iconic masterpieces movies and depth to creative structure and cinematic skills being implemented into society.
Above all, the leisure and entertainment side, the …