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Art and Culture, Featured »

[ 20 Jun 2016 | One Comment | 6,349 views]
Le jeune rappeur camerounais Jordan Tchakounté, alias Tchakdollar King se produit à Londres cet été. L’étoile montante devient un phénomène mondial depuis que les ventes de son dernier album crève le plafond. The Bridge MAG. Image

Best known as the most ethnically diverse city in the world, it comes as a little surprise that a young Cameroonian rapper performs in London. 
Jordan Tchakounté, alias Tchakdollar King, is set to become a worldwide phenomenon following his fast-selling number one album, and his being among the artists lining up to perform in London this summer.
Sir Ekambi Louis Brillant once said of Tchakounte’s original unpolished …

Economy and Investment, Featured »

[ 20 May 2016 | 6 Comments | 6,234 views]
L’ouverture aux investisseurs étrangers. Le Cameroun dans sa Charte des Investissements a prévu des principes favorables aux investisseurs étrangers. The Bridge MAG. Image

The Chancellor’s new tax on buy-to-let is to push British and UK residents, able to afford property abroad to invest oversea.
A recently announced higher rate of Stamp Duty Land Tax on purchases of additional residential properties in UK has caused domestic property speculators to start considering buying lands abroad.
In the UK, since 1st April 2016, “a new 3%  Stamp Duty band surcharge on additional home …