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[ 20 Oct 2017 | 3 Comments | 4,353 views]
Lifting the lid on the Manchester attack: “The alleged suicide bomber, Salman Abedi, was part of an extremist group, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, that thrived in Manchester and was cultivated and used by MI5 for more than 20 years” Pilger The Bridge MAG. Image

It took the death of 22 people in the Manchester terror attack to remind us that spin, lies and greed are still embedded in domestic and foreign affairs.
The established consensus in the UK and worldwide is that the duty of a government is to protect its people. That convention has to be encouraged. The media should act as watchdog to ensure that the truth reaches …

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[ 20 Sep 2017 | No Comment | 2,923 views]
Les résultats du GCSE ont forcément un impact inéluctable sur les résultats du A level ou baccalauréat, et par ricochet sur le niveau universitaire : un véritable effet domino académique. The Bridge MAG. Image

The percentage of students from poor backgrounds going to the country’s leading universities has dramatically fallen in recent decades.

New GCSEs brought in this summer were the most challenging exams seen in home schools in over three decades education leaders claim; and GCSEs, being the bridge to A-levels, means the path to the elite universities is becoming more competitive than ever before.
According to a Department for …