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As we head towards Christmas and the New Year, tens of millions of children worldwide are living in abject poverty.
While in the UK tens of thousands of children receive the most rudimentary nutrition from tinned food provided by food banks, thousands of miles away in Libya children are trapped in abject poverty and are easy prey to organ trafficking.
Recent data published on The Trussell Trust …
Beauty and Health, Featured »
![Le taux de sucre dans notre thé, café ou chocolat chaud pourrait désormais déterminer notre espérance de vie. Selon l’OMS « Le nombre des personnes atteintes de diabète est passé de 108 millions en 1980 à 422 millions en 2014[…] » The Bridge MAG. Image](
Cold weather is likely to make more people susceptible to diabetes this winter in the UK and worldwide, as sugar intake is set to soar, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warns.
How much sugar we have in our tea, coffee or hot chocolate can determine our life spans. This is not a killjoy statement: latest statistics on diabetes will send shivers down everyone’s spines.
According to the …