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[ 20 Apr 2019 | 2 Comments | 3,486 views]
The latest scandal features Australian Cardinal George Pell, the former Vatican number three. ‘Pell was sentenced to six years in prison for the sexual abuse of two choirboys.' The Bridge MAG. Image

As the world gets ready to celebrate Easter, the Catholic religion and many others have been shaken to their core more than ever: gruesome vices have corrupted the highest hierarchy of the clergies.

The most widely practiced religions of the world: Ethics versus Religion on Easter eve: crisis of paedophilia, sexual morality, radicalism and the downfall of religions. The future of faith is bleak. The Bridge …

Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 Mar 2019 | 2 Comments | 3,439 views]
Les chercheurs en médecine pensent que le chocolat cru biologique, pressé à froid, est considéré comme l'aliment le plus sain disponible sur la planète : cet aliment joue un rôle clé dans notre système immunitaire. The Bridge MAG. Image

The chocolate industry is set to make huge profits this Easter, just as it continues to be proven by nutritionists and scientists to be key to our immune system.

Raw, organic, cold-pressed chocolate is believed to be the healthiest food available on the planet. Dark chocolate might improve our brain health and strengthen our immune system.The Bridge MAG. Image

Raw, organic, cold-pressed chocolate is believed to …