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[ 20 Oct 2019 | No Comment | 3,092 views]
Derrière la saga et la propagande des gueux illettrés et immigrées clandestins qui débarquent en loques sur le sol européen, le Pentagone et les marchands d’armes se préparent à vider le continent de toutes ses ressources naturelles et minières. The Bridge MAG. Image

The malignant war over mineral resources is the primary reason why Sub-Saharan African has been and is still enslaved; Africans have become eternal apatrids cursed to travel the world in search of recognition of their humanity.
Exclusion is often their sad reality, indefinite outsiders ready to do what it takes to ‘fit in.’  
Once again African immigrants have been filling world headlines for the wrong …

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[ 20 Sep 2019 | 2 Comments | 3,180 views]
Les élèves et étudiants peuvent être comparés aux sprinteurs professionnels au début de leur année académique. Ils sont tous en mode "à vos marques, prêts à partez" The Bridge MAG, Image

A good start of an academic year is way too crucial for parents and students from around the world to afford distractions of any kind.
Those scared by headlines over student finance misinformation risk a poor start to their academic year, bad choices in the long run and subsequently a bad return on what they have already invested in.  
Education is a long term investment that …