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[ 20 Nov 2019 | No Comment | 2,622 views]
Le 11 août 2019, une fillette de 13, Eboney Cheshire, décède tragiquement d'une crise liée à l'ecstasy après avoir pris la drogue dans un bal. Rayonnante, belle enfant, intelligente, avec un avenir prometteur. Elle avait pour ambition de devenir médecin. The Bridge MAG. Image

Shocking tabloid headlines about the rise in urban violence and stabbings has prompted our editorial to analyse the issue in the UK and abroad in a bid to suggest efficient solutions to prevent and tackle a spiral of violence and mourning worldwide.
Fear is everywhere: anecdotal facts such as ‘killer dumping their victim in their flat before heading out on a date’ or ‘the reason for …

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[ 20 Oct 2019 | No Comment | 3,072 views]
Derrière la saga et la propagande des gueux illettrés et immigrées clandestins qui débarquent en loques sur le sol européen, le Pentagone et les marchands d’armes se préparent à vider le continent de toutes ses ressources naturelles et minières. The Bridge MAG. Image

The malignant war over mineral resources is the primary reason why Sub-Saharan African has been and is still enslaved; Africans have become eternal apatrids cursed to travel the world in search of recognition of their humanity.
Exclusion is often their sad reality, indefinite outsiders ready to do what it takes to ‘fit in.’  
Once again African immigrants have been filling world headlines for the wrong …