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[ 20 Jun 2020 | 2 Comments | 3,951 views]
En mémoire de George Floyd : Dessin d’observation de George Floyd avec utilisation de différents médiums artistiques par Orchidée Wafo - Jeune contributrice de The Bridge Magazine- The Bridge MAG. Image

The Black Lives Matter protest in Central London gathered thousands of people to condemn the killing of a black man by a white officer in Minneapolis USA.
According to the main stream media George Floyd was killed by a policeman as he allegedly tried to use forged documents at a local deli. It is believed by many that George Floyd’s was murdered because his skin was …

Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 May 2020 | 4 Comments | 3,627 views]
The Bridge Magazine vous propose l’ultime détox naturel scientifiquement prouvé qui vous aidera à maintenir votre santé au faîte de sa forme. Ce jus de désintoxication n’est pas uniquement destiné aux Africains mais à tout le monde et surtout il n’a pas besoin de l'approbation de l'OMS.  
The Bridge MAG. Image

The World Health Organization’s reputation is at stake at this time of a world health crisis as the organisation’s impartiality has been questioned following allegations of receiving funding from the world’s richest man.
Over the last decade, Bill Gates has become the WHO’s second biggest donor after the USA. With the US and the UK threatening to cut funding if the agency doesn’t improve its investment …