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Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 Aug 2020 | No Comment | 5,299 views]
The Bridge Magazine reçoit un invité assez singulier, désireux de partager son expérience dans le but d'empêcher les jeunes, parents, tuteurs et autorités des États au Royaume-Uni et dans le monde entier de tomber dans le cercle vicieux de la cocaïne. The Bridge MAG. Image

Many years ago, when our editorial offered an interview to a retired detective for the City of Quincy, Massachusetts in USA, we were unaware that we will have the opportunity to interview a real- life young victim who has been to prison twice.
Kyle Abbott, aged 31, is an English man from Leeds. He had his first experience of cannabis at the age of 6, allegedly …

Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 Jul 2020 | No Comment | 4,453 views]
Selon les dernières statistiques de la Kidney Care UK : « Plus de 2 millions de personnes dans le monde reçoivent actuellement un traitement par dialyse ou une greffe de rein pour rester en vie... » The Bridge MAG. Image

The impact of isolation as a result of lockdown, the prevalence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), refined sugars in our diet, as well as extreme fear, have impacted on many people’s kidney functionality making them dependent on dialysis for the rest of their life.   
The lockdown panic pervades over an alleged virus and now the relevance of a vaccine has shifted concern over seasonal flu …