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[ 20 Oct 2020 | No Comment | 6,006 views]
The Bridge Magazine souhaite une excellente rentrée scolaire aux élèves de maternelle, primaire, secondaire et universitaire du Royaume-Uni et du monde entier. The Bridge MAG. Image

A youth ended up in Accident and Emergency in a Surrey hospital, fighting for their life after finding out they have no option left for the next academic year due to their A Levels failure.

The hospital and the youth identity has been held for data protection.
The recent pandemic and the UK Love Island reality TV cancellation didn’t help the youth who were eager to grab …

Featured, High-Profile People »

[ 20 Sep 2020 | No Comment | 9,306 views]
Les légendes ne meurent jamais : En 1981, lorsque la feue légende de Formule 1 a commencé à compétir en Europe, il a remporté le championnat anglais de Formule 1600. Silva est un nom très courant au Brésil. Afin d’éviter toute erreur sur son identité, Senna a décidé d’utiliser le nom de jeune fille de sa mère, « Senna ». Photo Credit: 89SM_017 Fotógrafo Norio Koike

The legendary Brazilian Formula One pilot racing driver, Ayrton Senna, tragically died in Italy on May 1st, 1994 at the pinnacle of his career.
It took 12 years for Michael Schumacher to beat Senna’s record. Best remembered as one of the greatest Formula One racing drivers of all time, and for his wet weather racing capacity, Ayrton Senna da Silva was the three-time Formula One world …