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[ 20 Feb 2021 | No Comment | 5,693 views]
Le canal anal est un tube court entouré de muscle à l'extrémité de votre rectum L'anus est un sphincter plissé. Toute érosion au niveau d'un des plis entraîne une fissure anale. On pense que le nombre de cas de cancer anal augmente régulièrement depuis des années. The Bridge MAG. Image

As the world, celebrated Valentine’s Day on 14 February 2021, The Bridge Magazine welcomed a guest willing to share her experience off record to raise awareness among couples who practice regular anal sex.
A few months ago, a young lady whom we will call SHE walked nervously into a private clinic for an anal cancer screening test after being diagnosed with an anal fistula: a month later she walked …

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[ 20 Jan 2021 | No Comment | 4,545 views]
Toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine vous souhaite tout au long de l’année 2021 et pour les années à venir, tout ce qui peut flatter l’imagination et l’amour propre. The Bridge MAG. Image

It is obvious to say that 2020 was a year of despair on many fronts for most of us. However, avoiding rehashing bad memories remains the golden rule to live and fully succeed in a new year.
The life of a human being could generally be metaphorically compared to a roller coaster ride. Therefore, any time everything seems to be going smoothly and almost to  perfection …