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It has become a tradition to devote our December world exclusive editorial to highlighting the plight of children caught up in the world’s various vicissitudes.
For an infant, to come out of their way, to put aside their Lego toys, their baby dolls, their favourite school play, their favourite holiday trip, let alone their favourite food, dress and sweets, to conceive and express their Merry Christmas …
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The loss of humans is ALWAYS a TRAGEDY as medical breakthroughs, religions, sects, cults, magic, politics, Artificial Intelligence, are yet to resurrect the dead.
Death disregards details: geographical, ethnic, tribal, gender, social class, skin tones!
From natural disasters such as: apocalyptic flooding in Spain, France, earthquakes in Dschang in West Cameroon, Morocco, Taiwan, casualties in Darfur, Gaza, Bagdad, Congo… by extension the unreported deaths from around the …