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When inflation becomes a public health emergency in UK and worldwide, including fruits in households’ daily diet is crucial to tackle famine and poor diet related diseases as people are crawling to afford food costs and energy prices.
UK and the world population in survival mode as food costs and energy prices continue to rise.
Our editorial explains why including fruits in our daily diet is of …
Featured, Travel Story »

Violent riots of populations protesting a police blunder in Nanterre, France: a policeman shot dead at point-blank range a teenager who had a clean criminal record without blinking.
On Tuesday morning, June 27th, 2023 in Nanterre in the Hauts-de-Seine department, a roadside check took a disastrous turn:
Nahel M…17-year-old motorist, of North African origin, from a single-parent family and from a disadvantaged neighbourhood in the region …