Articles in the Beauty and Health Category
The Bridge Magazine not only publishes articles on the subject of health and beauty, but also offers advice and products geared to its readers’ needs and demands.
From our natural body scrub and facial mask products (for all skin-types) to expert advice on hair, skin and dieting – and tips on combating the dangers of binge-drinking and drug addiction – we aim to make our readers feel good about themselves…
Beauty and Health »

Il y a de nombreuses années, lorsque notre éditorial accordait une interview à un détective à la retraite de la ville de Quincy, Massachusetts aux États-Unis, nous ne savions pas que nous aurions l’occasion d’interviewer une jeune victime réelle de la drogue de classe A qui a été en prison à deux reprises.
Kyle Abbott, 31 ans, est un Anglais de Leeds qui a eu sa …
Beauty and Health, Featured »

Many years ago, when our editorial offered an interview to a retired detective for the City of Quincy, Massachusetts in USA, we were unaware that we will have the opportunity to interview a real- life young victim who has been to prison twice.
Kyle Abbott, aged 31, is an English man from Leeds. He had his first experience of cannabis at the age of 6, allegedly …