Articles in the Beauty and Health Category
The Bridge Magazine not only publishes articles on the subject of health and beauty, but also offers advice and products geared to its readers’ needs and demands.
From our natural body scrub and facial mask products (for all skin-types) to expert advice on hair, skin and dieting – and tips on combating the dangers of binge-drinking and drug addiction – we aim to make our readers feel good about themselves…
Beauty and Health »

Il a fallu la mort des femmes au Royaume-Uni et dans le monde entier après un lifting des fesses bâclé pour que les experts du monde entier avertissent les patients qu’une injection de graisse trop profonde pourrait s’avérer mortelle.
Les plateformes des réseaux sociaux ont joué un rôle important dans la vulgarisation du lifting brésilien des fesses, du drainage lymphatique, des injections de lipolyse dissolvant les …
Beauty and Health, Featured »

It took the death of women in UK and worldwide after a botched butt lift for experts across the world to warn patients that a fat injection made too deep could prove deadly.
Social media platforms have played a significant role in popularising Brazilian Butt Lift, Lymphatic drainage, Fat dissolving injections…most cosmetic procedures with patients sharing their before-and-after photos and experiences with others.
A report from …