Articles in the Beauty and Health Category
The Bridge Magazine not only publishes articles on the subject of health and beauty, but also offers advice and products geared to its readers’ needs and demands.
From our natural body scrub and facial mask products (for all skin-types) to expert advice on hair, skin and dieting – and tips on combating the dangers of binge-drinking and drug addiction – we aim to make our readers feel good about themselves…
Beauty and Health »

Neuf pharmaciens ont été récemment écroués en Grande Bretagne après avoir vendu illégalement du valium, de l’opium et de la morphine à des journalistes d’investigation de la BBC qui se passaient pour des clients ordinaires.
Pour une somme faramineuse de 200 livres sterling sans ordonnance médicale, ces journalistes ont pu rentrer en possession des drogues à des fins non thérapeutiques. Ces mêmes médicaments auraient coûté sous …
Beauty and Health, Featured »

Universal health concerns and patients’ safety remain among the thornier of topical issues and a huge challenge of our era, in a world where pharmaceutical brands are increasingly being targeted by counterfeiters.
Global life expectancies are at stake as a dangerous drugs trade impinging on the pharmaceutical mainstream has led to plummeting quality and safety standards in the UK and worldwide in recent decades.
According to the …