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Articles in the Beauty and Health Category

The Bridge Magazine not only publishes articles on the subject of health and beauty, but also offers advice and products geared to its readers’ needs and demands.
From our natural body scrub and facial mask products (for all skin-types) to expert advice on hair, skin and dieting – and tips on combating the dangers of binge-drinking and drug addiction – we aim to make our readers feel good about themselves…

Beauty and Health »

[ 28 May 2015 | No Comment | 5,190 views]
Le masque à base de chocolat embellit le teint en le rendant plus uniforme et plus éclatant. Il affine le grain de peau, l’hydrate pour offrir la douceur que votre épiderme mérite. The Bridge MAG. Image

Caucasien ou basané, on  a certes l’âge de ses artères, mais on peut  être jeune et charmant   à  tout âge, on peut être sain et viril  à tous les instants. Tout est question de discipline et d’hygiène de vie.
Selon un récent sondage, les hommes  au  Royaume-Uni et par devers le monde  dépensent presque  autant que les femmes pour  les produits et accessoires  de beauté, la …

Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 19 May 2015 | No Comment | 9,592 views]
Homemade chocolate based Skincare mask eliminates the dead skin cells and allows a fresher, healthier and luminous skin. The Bridge MAG. Image

Men in UK and from around the world are increasingly spending almost as much as women on beauty products, fashion and cosmetic surgery, says Poll.
Women spend an average of £2,462 a year on beauty products and fashionable clothes, the study for online casino RoxyPalace.com found.
Men, meanwhile, were revealed to spend £1,786 on average on male grooming products and frocks and clothing, in average only £50 …