‘Blue’ The Bridge Magazine welcomes and shares another poem from its young contributor, Orchidée Wafo, composed when she was 9 years old. It was a poem about her favourite colour, blue, a bit unusual for a little girl one may say, but as the saying goes, there’s no accounting for taste.
20 November 2018

A peacock.
Mother Nature is the most talented artist. The colours we find in flowers, animals, or rainbows are difficult to match in a studio.
The Bridge MAG. Image.
Mother Nature is the most talented artist. The colours we find in flowers, animals, or rainbows are difficult to match in a studio. Also, we can only mimic these colours to add more beauty to our lives and the environment we live in, if we know which colours inspire positive thoughts and feelings and which do not.
Using this knowledge, we can try to use our imagination to bring out the colour combinations that will have the best impact and trigger the most positive emotions.
According to psychologists the colour blue is most linked to creativity.
From a cultural point of view, blue is a universal colour: it symbolises loyalty, strength, depth, wisdom, confidence and trust: it represents both the sky and the sea, and it is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration, and sensitivity.
Blue also represents meanings of sincerity, stability, faith, heaven, and intelligence.
Maybe that is the reason why socially important people are listed in a blue book.
Mostly guided by her intuition and naivety, Orchidée Wafo was certainly unaware of all the aforementioned attributes of the colour blue when she wrote this poem.
Below is Orchid’s aforementioned poem.
If I was a colour I would be blue:…
Follow the links below to read more:
Plein d’admiration pour la célèbre et intelligente Orchidée. Elle est un cadeau du ciel pour ses parents et ses admirateurs que nous devenons.
As she say : “Blue can be a book, a world yet to be discovered.”
Chèr M. Moluh,
Orchidée dit:
“Oh ! I have been quoted!!! Merci infiiment du fond du cœur pour vos mots gentils et encouragements.
C’est très apprécié. Je vous souhaite un Excellent Dimanche.
Bien cordialement.”
De la part d’Orchidée Wafo
Contributrice chez The Bridge Magazine