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Beauty, Health and Wellbeing at the heart of our editorial: Health is and remains humans most valuable asset- Eating and Wearing chocolate as a SUPERFOOD or beauty treatment can dramatically reinforce your immune system and reverse the signs of ageing, experts reveal.

20 April 2024 13,712 views 5 Comments
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Beauty, Health and Wellbeing at the heart of our editorial: Health is and remains humans most valuable asset- Eating and Wearing chocolate as a SUPERFOOD or beauty treatment can dramatically reinforce your immune system and reverse the signs of ageing, experts reveal. The Bridge MAG. Image

Beauty, Health and Wellbeing at the heart of our editorial: Health is and remains humans most valuable asset- Eating and Wearing chocolate as a SUPERFOOD or beauty treatment can dramatically reinforce your immune system and reverse the signs of ageing, experts reveal.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Chocolate and Easter remain the perfect match with 2024 Easter month set to have been the top chocolate selling month of the year worldwide.


According to medical researchers, Raw, Organic cold – pressed chocolate is composed of the most important vitamins for human health all in one food, containing over 88% of antioxidants needed by our bodies.


Both food and beauty consumers continue to splash cash on chocolate.



Did you know? Cocoa’s future has traded in New York since 1925. 


Key market insight research from Market Intelligence FORTUNE Business Insights recently revealed statistics in their article entitled ‘Food Processing and Processed Food / Cocoa and Chocolate Market’:



Easter is indeed the month that crowns chocolate as God of foods. The origins of Easter can be traced to Christianity: The celebration of Christ’s rising from the tomb, and that those who believe in Him and follow His ‘Word’ will also be spiritually resurrected into eternal life. Easter Sunday marks the end of a forty-day long period of fasting called Lent, which culminates in the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on the third day after his crucifixion. The Bridge Magazine wishes a Happy belated Easter. The Bridge MAG. Image

Easter is indeed the month that crowns chocolate as God of foods. The origins of Easter can be traced to Christianity: The celebration of Christ’s rising from the tomb, and that those who believe in Him and follow His ‘Word’ will also be spiritually resurrected into eternal life.
Easter Sunday marks the end of a forty-day long period of fasting called Lent, which culminates in the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on the third day after his crucifixion.
The Bridge Magazine wishes a Happy belated Easter.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The global cocoa and chocolate market size was valued at USD 44. 35 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach 61. 34 billion USD by 2027…’


On March 2024 statistics revealed that “the global Cocoa Powder market is anticipated to reach USD 2172.12 million in 2028, with a CAGR of 0.42% during the forecast years. “



Cocoa year 2023/24 of the Quarterly Bulletin of Cocoa Statistics, reflect the most recent information available to the Secretariat as at the beginning of February 2024.


It shows severe declines in production are expected from the top producing countries due to detrimental effect of unfavourable weather conditions and diseases. The low availability of cocoa beans has led to significant increases in cocoa prices.


Deforestation and climate change, drought and rain changes patterns, are making cocoa scarce: as cocoa is primarily a rain-fed crop. This has prompted cocoa business industrials to stack and store cocoa to prevent next coming rainy days.



Chocolate and Easter remain the perfect match with 2024 Easter month set to have been the top chocolate- selling month of the year worldwide. According to medical researchers, Raw, Organic cold - pressed chocolate is composed of the most important vitamins for human health all in one food, containing over 88% of antioxidants needed by our bodies. Both food and beauty consumers continue to splash cash on chocolate. Did you know? Cocoa's future has traded in New York since 1925. The Bridge MAG. Image

Chocolate and Easter remain the perfect match with 2024 Easter month set to have been the top chocolate- selling month of the year worldwide.
According to medical researchers, Raw, Organic cold – pressed chocolate is composed of the most important vitamins for human health all in one food, containing over 88% of antioxidants needed by our bodies. Both food and beauty consumers continue to splash cash on chocolate.
Did you know? Cocoa’s future has traded in New York since 1925.
The Bridge MAG. Image

In 2022, statistics revealed the Netherlands was the world’s leading cocoa bean importer, with imports valuing around 1.54 billion dollars. 



When it comes to the world’s top cocoa producers, the following March 2024 statistics must be taken into account: About 80 % of the world’s cocoa beans come from four African countries:  Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria.



More than a third of the cocoa beans are processed in Europe.  A bit sad that this crucial angle about Africa barely often makes the Mainstream media headlines News.



It has been medically and scientifically proven that dark chocolate enhances human beauty and wellbeing, boosts mankind’s immune system as well as expands human lifespan. The Bridge MAG. Image

It has been medically and scientifically proven that dark chocolate enhances human beauty and wellbeing, boosts mankind’s immune system as well as expands human lifespan.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Africa is and remains the food-attic of the world- yet portrayed by the Mainstream media as the world’s leper. 



This month, the focus of our editorial is not on waging the war against unfair trade of African untapped  commodities and other myriad of natural resources.



When it comes to the world’s top cocoa producers, the following March 2024 statistics must be taken into account: About 80 % of the world's cocoa beans come from four African countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria. This month, the focus of our editorial is not on waging the war against unfair trade of African untapped commodities and other myriad of natural resources. Our editorial intends to stress more about how mankind or humanity as a whole, could benefit from Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate (Also known as the food of the Gods) to improve their health, enhance their beauty, and withstand their longevity. The Bridge MAG. Image

When it comes to the world’s top cocoa producers, the following March 2024 statistics must be taken into account: About 80 % of the world’s cocoa beans come from four African countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria.
This month, the focus of our editorial is not on waging the war against unfair trade of African untapped commodities and other myriad of natural resources. Our editorial intends to stress more about how mankind or humanity as a whole, could benefit from Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate (Also known as the food of the Gods) to improve their health, enhance their beauty, and withstand their longevity.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Our editorial intends to stress more about how mankind or humanity as a whole, could benefit from


Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate (Also known as the food of the Gods) to improve their health, enhance their beauty, and withstand their longevity.




Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate is more than what meets the eyes: it is believed to be the healthiest food available on the planet. It is among the countless derivatives of cacao beans and holds a myriad of health and beauty benefits.


Commodity prices make chocolate a treasure: it is believed that around 2 billion people eat chocolate every year. Despite the current economic turmoil, chocolate is still selling like hot cakes.



Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate is more than what meets the eyes: it is believed to be the healthiest food available on the planet. It is among the countless derivatives of cacao beans and holds a myriad of health and beauty benefits. The Bridge MAG. Image

Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate is more than what meets the eyes: it is believed to be the healthiest food available on the planet. It is among the countless derivatives of cacao beans and holds a myriad of health and beauty benefits.
The Bridge MAG. Image

It comes as a little surprise when one manages to draw a parallel between human health, human longevity and cocoa’s commodity consumption.


Pure organic cocoa powder is to Humans’ Health and wellbeing what diamonds and emeralds are to the jewellery industry.



Health is Humanities best capital. Health is the best currency to secure humanities longevity. 



The story of chocolate begins with a small tropical tree. In 1735, Linnaeus named the plant.


In 1735, Swedish  Botanist Carl Linnaeus named the tree ‘Theobroma cacao’. Theobroma, the genus name originates from Greek and translates to ‘food of the Gods’, which both Mayans and Aztecs also believed was a gift from the Gods.


By the 17th century, chocolate was fashionable throughout Europe, becoming the favourite beverage after tea and coffee.  Above its nutritious, medicinal and aphrodisiac properties, it remained a privilege of the rich.



Swedish Botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) The story of chocolate begins with a small tropical tree. In 1735, Linnaeus named the plant. In 1735, Swedish Botanist Carl Linnaeus named the tree ‘Theobroma cacao’. Theobroma, the genus name originates from Greek and translates to ‘food of the Gods’, which both Mayans and Aztecs also believed was a gift from the Gods. The Bridge MAG. Image

Swedish Botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)
The story of chocolate begins with a small tropical tree. In 1735, Linnaeus named the plant. In 1735, Swedish Botanist Carl Linnaeus named the tree ‘Theobroma cacao’. Theobroma, the genus name originates from Greek and translates to ‘food of the Gods’, which both Mayans and Aztecs also believed was a gift from the Gods.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Easter is indeed the month that crowns chocolate as God of foods.


The origins of Easter can be traced to Christianity:



The celebration of Christ’s rising from the tomb, and that those who believe in Him and follow His ‘Word’ will also be spiritually resurrected into eternal life.


Easter Sunday marks the end of a forty-day long period of fasting called Lent, which culminates in the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on the third day after his crucifixion.



The roots of the celebrations are diverse. However, cultures from around the world observe spring holidays and festivals at this time of year, around the common theme of rebirth.




The secret of dark chocolate lies in its powerful cacao bean packed with healthy chemicals such as flavonoids and numerous ingredients beneficial to humans, such as calcium, iron, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), phosphorus, niacin, niacin amide (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin E, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese. The Bridge MAG. Image

The secret of dark chocolate lies in its powerful cacao bean packed with healthy chemicals such as flavonoids and numerous ingredients beneficial to humans, such as calcium, iron, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), phosphorus, niacin, niacin amide (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin E, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Mother Nature is the most talented artist of them all. This has almost become one of The Bridge Magazine’s leitmotivs because   we seldom go wrong when inspired by Her.


Below are a few tips on how to indulge oneself by making the most out of pure organic cocoa powder products:



Health, beauty and wellbeing- If we can’t eat chocolate, we can wear it instead.



Kribi: A resort town and port in the South Province of Cameroon. Mother Nature is the most talented artist of them all. This has almost become one of The Bridge Magazine’s leitmotivs because we seldom go wrong when inspired by Her. The Bridge MAG. Image

Kribi: A resort town and port in the South Province of Cameroon.
Mother Nature is the most talented artist of them all. This has almost become one of The Bridge Magazine’s leitmotivs because we seldom go wrong when inspired by Her.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Medical researchers believe Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate is composed of the most important vitamins for human health all in one food, with over 88% of antioxidants needed by our bodies.

No wonder that pure chocolate (74% to 92 % cocoa chocolate) is in high demand in the health and beauty industries across the world.


It has been medically and scientifically proven that dark chocolate enhances human beauty and wellbeing, boosts mankind’s immune system as well as expands human lifespan.



According to a study published in the US National Institute of Health "cocoa has been revealed as a food with immunoregulatory properties." Cocoa influences the immune system, in particular the inflammatory innate response and the systemic and intestinal adaptive immune response." The Bridge MAG. Image

According to a study published in the US National Institute of Health “cocoa has been revealed as a food with immunoregulatory properties.” Cocoa influences the immune system, in particular the inflammatory innate response and the systemic and intestinal adaptive immune response.”
The Bridge MAG. Image

Proven health benefits of eating chocolate


The secret of dark chocolate lies in its powerful cacao bean packed with healthy chemicals such as polyphenols, flavonoids and numerous ingredients beneficial to humans, such as :


Calcium, iron, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), phosphorus, niacin, niacin amide (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin E, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese.


Calcium is vital for ensuring the strength and healthiness of bones, teeth and capillary growth; it regulates the circulatory system, blood pressure and the beating of the heart.


Iron has oxygen-carrying proteins which empower the muscles across our bodies.



Human kidneys diagram Is 100% cocoa good for kidneys? Dark chocolate has many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, improving vascular system function, and reducing total cholesterol and LDL. These significant benefits could reduce chronic kidney disease or kidney failure complications. The Bridge MAG. Image

Human kidneys diagram
Is 100% cocoa good for kidneys?
Dark chocolate has many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, improving vascular system function, and reducing total cholesterol and LDL. These significant benefits could reduce chronic kidney disease or kidney failure complications.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Thiamine (B1) vitamins assist the body in converting carbohydrates into energy; vital for our heart, muscles and nervous system.


Zinc: a vitamin which stabilises cell walls, and is necessary in keeping the immune system healthy and robust.


Copper: along with most of the iron attributes, builds up red blood cells and also maintains the immune system, blood vessels, nerves, and healthy bones.


Manganese, iron, collagen and flavanols contained in chocolate enhance energy levels, hair growth and skin repair, protecting skin from the sun’s rays and reducing the severity of burns.


Flavanols, a type of flavonoid found in dark chocolate, helps to protect you from heart disease by lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow, and preventing cell damage.



Chocolate beauty benefits Experts unveil the health and beauty benefits of chocolate. The consumption of pure chocolate smooths wrinkles, increases blood flow and Vivienne Rudd of market researcher Mintel says the company recorded more than “370 cacao-containing body care products. The number of facial skincare products featuring cacao has risen from 10 per cent to 180 in recent decades.” The Bridge MAG. Image

Chocolate beauty benefits
Experts unveil the health and beauty benefits of chocolate. The consumption of pure chocolate smooths wrinkles, increases blood flow and Vivienne Rudd of market researcher Mintel says the company recorded more than “370 cacao-containing body care products. The number of facial skincare products featuring cacao has risen from 10 per cent to 180 in recent decades.”
The Bridge MAG. Image

Cocoa powder also contains polyphenols, antioxidants that help to improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.



It has been medically and scientifically proven that dark chocolate may boost mankind’s immune system.


According to a study published in the US National Institute of Health “cocoa has been revealed as a food with immunoregulatory properties.” Cocoa influences the immune system, in particular the inflammatory innate response and the systemic and intestinal adaptive immune response.”



There is no health risk with the myriad of vitamins included in organic chocolate dietary supplements because those vitamins are evenly balanced in high antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Chocolate is a powerful ‘Super food’ packed with vitamins that help our bodies stay healthy and avoid DNA damage. The Bridge MAG. Image

There is no health risk with the myriad of vitamins included in organic chocolate dietary supplements because those vitamins are evenly balanced in high antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Chocolate is a powerful ‘Super food’ packed with vitamins that help our bodies stay healthy and avoid DNA damage.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Is 100% cocoa good for kidneys?


Dark chocolate has many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, improving vascular system function, and reducing total cholesterol and LDL.

These significant benefits could reduce chronic kidney disease or kidney failure complications.


Chocolate beauty benefits




As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 12th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution The Bridge MAG. Image

As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 12th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution
The Bridge MAG. Image

Experts unveil the health and beauty benefits of chocolate.

The consumption of pure chocolate smooths wrinkles, increases blood flow and Vivienne Rudd of market researcher Mintel says the company recorded more than “370 cacao-containing body care products.


The number of facial skincare products featuring cacao has risen from 10 per cent to 180 in recent decades.”


Rudd is a beauty expert in the personal care analyst team at Mintel, the world’s leading market intelligence agency.

However, medical studies have shown that, unless under a doctor’s guidance, we should not consume too high an amount of these vitamins and antioxidants as our bodies would not be able to process them.


Therefore, we should only get most of the vitamins listed above via natural foods, as our bodies are programmed to process most of these nutrients and vitamins.


There is no health risk with the myriad of vitamins included in organic chocolate dietary supplements because those vitamins are evenly balanced in high antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Chocolate is a powerful ‘Super food’ packed with vitamins that help our bodies stay healthy and avoid DNA damage.


The Bridge Magazine wishes a Happy belated Easter.



As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 12th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.





Follow the links below to purchase one or various of The Bridge Books. 



1)    Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






 2) Beauty, Health and Wellbeing Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





3) Education Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.







 4)  Love and Relationship Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





5)    True Crimes and Prevention Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






6) Economy and Investment Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






7) Soft & Hard News Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






8) Urban Legend Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






9) High-Profile People Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






10) Arts and Culture Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






11) Travel & Tourism Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






12) Politics Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.












Rachel Tcheungna,
Author, Writer of The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.



  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear ALL,

    Chocolate and Easter remain the perfect match with 2024 Easter month set to have been the top chocolate selling month of the year worldwide.

    When it comes to the world’s top cocoa producers, the following March 2024 statistics must be taken into account: About 80 % of the world’s cocoa beans come from four African countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria.
    More than a third of the cocoa beans are processed in Europe. A bit sad that this crucial angle about Africa barely often makes the Mainstream media headlines News.
    Africa is and remains the food-attic of the world- yet portrayed by the Mainstream media as the world’s leper.
    This month, the focus of our editorial is not on waging the war against unfair trade of African untapped commodities and other myriad of natural resources. Our editorial intends to stress more about how mankind or humanity as a whole, could benefit from Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate (Also known as the food of the Gods) to improve their health, enhance their beauty, and withstand their longevity.

    Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate is more than what meets the eyes: it is believed to be the healthiest food available on the planet.

    Easter is indeed the month that crowns chocolate as God of foods.
    The Bridge Magazine wishes a Happy belated Easter.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor??

    Rachel Tcheungna

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear ALL,

    Beauty, Health and Wellbeing at the heart of our editorial: Health is and remains humans most valuable asset- Eating and Wearing chocolate as a SUPERFOOD or beauty treatment can dramatically reinforce your immune system and reverse the signs of ageing, experts reveal.

    Commodity prices make chocolate a treasure: it is believed that around 2 billion people eat chocolate every year. Despite the current economic turmoil, chocolate is still selling like hot cakes.

    It comes as a little surprise when one manages to draw a parallel between human health, human longevity and cocoa’s commodity consumption.

    Pure organic cocoa powder is to Humans’ Health and wellbeing what diamonds and emeralds are to the jewellery industry.

    Raw, Organic, cold-pressed chocolate is more than what meets the eyes: it is believed to be the healthiest food available on the planet.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor??

    Rachel Tcheungna

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Un immense merci pour tous vos commentaires et mots d’encouragement que je reçois tous les jours concernant mes articles. C’est fort apprécié.

    Juste pour vous dire : si je ne réponds pas à vos commentaires individuellement, c’est parce qu’il y a une avalanche de milliers de commentaires au quotidien dans mon tableau de bord.

    Je vous rassure que je vois toutes vos mises à jour et tous vos commentaires et nous, l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine ?? vous en sommes éternellement reconnaissants.

    Bien cordialement,


    Rachel Tcheungna

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    A massive thank you for all your comments and words of encouragement that I receive on a daily basis regarding my articles.

    Just to note: if I do not reply to your comments individually it is because there is an overload of comments in my dashboard but I do see all your feedback and comments and we, the team at The Bridge Magazine ?? are eternally grateful.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor??

    Rachel Tcheungna

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Une avalanche de remerciements à tous les lecteurs qui nous ont permis de faire grandir ce journal?️?. Notre lectorat est la raison pour laquelle je continue à m’accrocher au stylo, au crayon et au clavier malgré la pression du travail et les difficultés du Journalisme.

    Merci infiniment de m’avoir donné suffisamment d’espoir pour garder allumée la flamme de ma passion pour le métier. Toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine ?️? exprime sa profonde gratitude à tous les lecteurs du monde entier pour avoir contribué à notre succès.

    Bien cordialement,


    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

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