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Back to school – Beyond your books and keyboards! When combining academia and life teachings become pivotal to survive!!! This season, The Bridge Magazine provides useful advice to children, young adults and parents on how crucial it is to combine social skills and life teachings from an early stage in education, in order to cope and survive with the harsh reality of the employment market.

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Back to school - Beyond your books and keyboards! When combining academia and life teachings become pivotal to survive!!! This season, The Bridge Magazine provides useful advice to children, young adults and parents on how crucial it is to combine social skills and life teachings from an early stage in education, in order to cope and survive with the harsh reality of the employment market. The Bridge MAG. Image

Back to school – Beyond your books and keyboards! When combining academia and life teachings become pivotal to survive!!! This season, The Bridge Magazine provides useful advice to children, young adults and parents on how crucial it is to combine social skills and life teachings from an early stage in education, in order to cope and survive with the harsh reality of the employment market.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Beyond successful white papers, academic excellence and Professional achievements:   The cost-of-living increases whilst the rate of employment within the youth plunges worldwide!


Latest Statistics in a report published by The International Labour Organization (ILO) revealed:


“Youth unemployment worldwide last year dipped to a 15-year-low and is likely to continue falling throughout 2025 […] with 64.9 million people aged between 15 and 24 worldwide were unemployed last year”.


The International Labour Organization is a United Nations Agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice by setting international labour standards. Founded in October 1919 under the League of Nations, it is one of the first and oldest specialised agencies of the UN.


The Youth unemployment rate  worldwide  is scary, worrying and heart-breaking news, for parents and tutors who continuously work hard to provide a life time of support to their children and offspring from birth throughout adulthood and beyond.


Back to school - Beyond your books and keyboards! When combining academia and life teachings become pivotal to survive!!! This season, The Bridge Magazine provides useful advice to children, young adults and parents on how crucial it is to combine social skills and life teachings from an early stage in education, in order to cope and survive with the harsh reality of the employment market. The Bridge MAG. Image

Back to school – Beyond your books and keyboards! When combining academia and life teachings become pivotal to survive!!! This season, The Bridge Magazine provides useful advice to children, young adults and parents on how crucial it is to combine social skills and life teachings from an early stage in education, in order to cope and survive with the harsh reality of the employment market.
The Bridge MAG. Image

It is trivial to claim that it costs an arm and a leg to raise children. It also goes without saying that what parents spend in time, patience, pure love and affection, moral support, would never equate to money.



Not to mention the frustration and hardships employment brings along with the sacrifices parents/tutors get out from their wages to financially support their children. From nappies, to bottle feeding, buying toys, prepping holidays, extracurricular activities, Universities and training school fees- the list goes on.  



This season, in a bid to help the youth and parents cope and survive real life pressures, peaks and troths of settling in the professional sphere, our editorial provides useful advice that will prepare children from around the world, no matter their backgrounds and social etiquette to prepare for true maturity.


True maturity helps humans cope with high level pressures in the workplace and everyday life.


Beyond successful white papers, academic excellence and Professional achievements: The cost-of-living increases whilst the rate of employment within the youth plunges worldwide! Latest Statistics in a report published by The International Labour Organization (ILO) revealed: “Youth unemployment worldwide last year dipped to a 15-year-low and is likely to continue falling throughout 2025 […] with 64.9 million people aged between 15 and 24 worldwide were unemployed last year”. The Bridge MAG. Image

Beyond successful white papers, academic excellence and Professional achievements: The cost-of-living increases whilst the rate of employment within the youth plunges worldwide!
Latest Statistics in a report published by The International Labour Organization (ILO) revealed: “Youth unemployment worldwide last year dipped to a 15-year-low and is likely to continue falling throughout 2025 […] with 64.9 million people aged between 15 and 24 worldwide were unemployed last year”.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The Bridge Magazine’s advice prepares nursery pupils, children, pupils, students, young professionals and parents to face the challenges of living as human beings and help them achieve balance and harmony in all they do.



We live in a world where many people have been wrongly brought up with misconceived stereotypes. Hence racial profiling is rooted in people’s ideas and moral codes on how they behave / interact with certain ethnicities.


Examples of racial stereotypes ingrained within society:



Black people are people of leisure: as in prostitutes , cleaners, their career orientation is solely in the arts/leisure (music and sports), they are violent, they have aggressive habits, they are unintelligent, criminals…


Caucasian people are paedophiles, Karens, envious, sociopaths, shallow, family killers, bitter jealous behaviour/projections based on their insecurities, narcissists, xenophobic, killers by interests such as life insurance… 


Asian by extension Muslim people are zealots, at any excuse they bomb, vengeful, aggression masked within their religion…



The International Labour Organisation is a United Nations Agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice by setting international labour standards. Founded in October 1919 under the League of Nations, it is one of the first and oldest specialised agencies of the UN.The Bridge MAG. Image

The International Labour Organisation is a United Nations Agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice by setting international labour standards. Founded in October 1919 under the League of Nations, it is one of the first and oldest specialised agencies of the UN.
The Bridge MAG. Image

When your children do not fit the stereotype, colleagues or interactions surrounding a working environment, subconsciously and consciously are inclined and predisposed to try and provoke, awaken and or feed the misconceived stereotypes based on the persons ethnicity which is very ignorant, damaging, destructive and cruel.


School playground versus university or employment settings


If some parents have righteously or wrongly taught their kids to hit harder to earn respect in a primary school playground when a classmate pulls their hair or throws their juice on one’s cardigan to bully them, this does not apply in higher education and or in a work setting.


It is trivial to claim that it costs an arm and a leg to raise children. It also goes without saying that what parents spend in time, patience, pure love and affection, moral support, would never equate to money.From nappies, to bottle feeding, buying toys, prepping holidays, extracurricular activities, Universities and training school fees- the list goes on. The Bridge MAG. Image

It is trivial to claim that it costs an arm and a leg to raise children. It also goes without saying that what parents spend in time, patience, pure love and affection, moral support, would never equate to money.
From nappies, to bottle feeding, buying toys, prepping holidays, extracurricular activities, Universities and training school fees- the list goes on.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Such actions will be deemed as unsocial behaviour, violence, aggression, (verbal, physical abuse) which will then be filed and recorded as gross misconduct, resulting in not being fit for employment no matter the intellectual or professional gift your children have been blessed with.



Teach your child/children not to fit the stereotype.


To the youth and parents; what we are really talking about here is preparing everyone, not just children, for true maturity in all social contexts.

Once the youth and parents think it is over, the real pressure begins after curriculum degrees, and professional trainings and all types of academic achievements …


Below are Social Skills that are of paramount importance and how to gain, keep and even improve them throughout your life.


It is trivial to claim that it costs an arm and a leg to raise children. It also goes without saying that what parents spend in time, patience, pure love and affection, moral support, would never equate to money.From nappies, to bottle feeding, buying toys, prepping holidays, extracurricular activities, Universities and training school fees- the list goes on. The Bridge MAG. Image

It is trivial to claim that it costs an arm and a leg to raise children. It also goes without saying that what parents spend in time, patience, pure love and affection, moral support, would never equate to money.
From nappies, to bottle feeding, buying toys, prepping holidays, extracurricular activities, Universities and training school fees- the list goes on.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The growing importance of social skills, also known as soft skills in the employment market has never been a myth.



According to latest statistics, it is believed 50% of the world population are working where social skills are ranked as the number one competency.



A myriad of people are naturally gifted with social skills, but for many others, people’ skills are things parents and tutors need to work on daily in order for children to be able to fit in a work environment and or in their personal life, in order to enjoy life to the fullest and thrive.


Understanding what verbal, non-verbal, written, visual … Interpersonal skills, soft skills, life skills, people skills really are.



Teach your child/children not to fit the stereotype. To the youth and parents; what we are really talking about here is preparing everyone, not just children, for true maturity in all social contexts.Once the youth and parents think it is over, the real pressure begins after curriculum degrees, and professional trainings and all types of academic achievements … The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach your child/children not to fit the stereotype. To the youth and parents; what we are really talking about here is preparing everyone, not just children, for true maturity in all social contexts.
Once the youth and parents think it is over, the real pressure begins after curriculum degrees, and professional trainings and all types of academic achievements …
The Bridge MAG. Image

Broadly speaking, Interpersonal skills are all the means we usually use to communicate   with other humans whether it be at work or in our everyday lives.


For instance, teach to your children from an early age that they do not speak to their teacher, their lecturer, or classmate, their colleague or employer in a colloquial manner as if they were speaking to a parent, a cousin of a family member at home.


Teach your children from an early age to blend in a Team work setting/space, to learn how to work with people from all walks of life, from different age groups even if they do not tolerate them.



Teach your children to be ten steps ahead of any conflict in a work/ professional setting and to be equipped with conflict resolution skills: knowing how to productively resolve issues.


If they get abused and or wrongly sacked by a manager, they should learn to lose gracefully.


According to latest statistics, it is believed 50% of the world population are working where social skills are ranked as the number one competency. A myriad of people are naturally gifted with social skills, but for many others, people’ skills are things parents and tutors need to work on daily in order for children to be able to fit in a work environment and or in their personal life, in order to enjoy life to the fullest and thrive.The Bridge MAG. Image

According to latest statistics, it is believed 50% of the world population are working where social skills are ranked as the number one competency. A myriad of people are naturally gifted with social skills, but for many others, people’ skills are things parents and tutors need to work on daily in order for children to be able to fit in a work environment and or in their personal life, in order to enjoy life to the fullest and thrive.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Social skills are of paramount importance at school, high school, University, at work, at home and in your personal life.


Soft skills enable us to build better and more productive relationships with colleagues. No matter the career ladder, social skills may benefit our career.



Humans are not robots. Raising children who have achieved outstanding A Levels at age 7 is not enough.


There is a real and serious career path interwoven with social skills ahead. Otherwise, the dream of those youth geniuses may fall short.  The better we interact with clients, colleagues, customers, … the more likely we become successful career wise.




Teach your children Emotional Intelligence and how to learn to lose with grace or with class. Humans are not robots. Raising children who have achieved outstanding A Levels at age 7 is not enough. Teach your children to be ten steps ahead of any conflict in a work/ professional setting and to be equipped with conflict resolution skills: knowing how to productively resolve issues. Teach your children Emotional Intelligence and how to learn to lose with grace or with class. The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach your children Emotional Intelligence and how to learn to lose with grace or with class. Humans are not robots. Raising children who have achieved outstanding A Levels at age 7 is not enough. Teach your children to be ten steps ahead of any conflict in a work/ professional setting and to be equipped with conflict resolution skills: knowing how to productively resolve issues. Teach your children Emotional Intelligence and how to learn to lose with grace or with class.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach your children Emotional Intelligence and how to learn to lose with grace or with class.



Most humans have learnt the hardest way about ill-intentioned managers who bully either in a subtle manner, (like inventing an excuse to sack you) or scream, shout at you either because they cannot control their own emotions or personal issues.


Teach and prepare your children to deal with those type of people at work and never to give back to those type of managers the physical or verbal response they are craving or hoping for.


If the abusive colleague in question receives an insult or a slap, the young employer would be accused of gross misconduct, filed as violent, aggressive, unemployable, no matter their intellectual and academic competence, prowess or gift. This will be the end of their career, end of the story!! This will tarnish a criminal record they have kept clean throughout their youth to get to the position they were currently in.



If the abusive colleague in question receives an insult or a slap, the young employer would be accused of gross misconduct, filed as violent, aggressive, unemployable, no matter their intellectual and academic competence, prowess or gift. This will be the end of their career, end of the story!! This will tarnish a criminal record they have kept clean throughout their youth to get to the position they were currently in.Teach and train your children how to acquire high Emotional Intelligence by being able to control their own emotions. People with high Emotional Intelligence are great leaders. The Bridge MAG. Image

If the abusive colleague in question receives an insult or a slap, the young employer would be accused of gross misconduct, filed as violent, aggressive, unemployable, no matter their intellectual and academic competence, prowess or gift. This will be the end of their career, end of the story!! This will tarnish a criminal record they have kept clean throughout their youth to get to the position they were currently in.
Teach and train your children how to acquire high Emotional Intelligence by being able to control their own emotions. People with high Emotional Intelligence are great leaders.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach and train your children how to acquire high Emotional Intelligence by being able to control their own emotions.


People with high Emotional Intelligence are great leaders.


Teach humility and empathy to your children, they should learn to help, not be cocky or overconfident they should say sorry if need be. Empathetic people are far more approachable and often excellent motivators.



Rejection is part of human life. Prepare to cope with wrongful rejection Learn from your mistakes, pick your battles wisely as we are only humans. Teach to your children not to have prejudgments and how to listen and remain calm in the face of injustice: it usually dissolves miscommunication and stops the bully from going too far and creating irreparable damage. Non-Verbal Communication such as body language and silence are key to conflict resolution. Remember being silent does not equate to losing the battle: you have won the work ladder and riddle. The Bridge MAG. Image

Rejection is part of human life. Prepare to cope with wrongful rejection
Learn from your mistakes, pick your battles wisely as we are only humans.
Teach to your children not to have prejudgments and how to listen and remain calm in the face of injustice: it usually dissolves miscommunication and stops the bully from going too far and creating irreparable damage. Non-Verbal Communication such as body language and silence are key to conflict resolution. Remember being silent does not equate to losing the battle: you have won the work ladder and riddle.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As parents, we all understand how hard it is to take in if you think a company wrongly treated/ fired or abused your children.


Rule number one, DO NOT CONTACT anyone of that company as things will escalate.



Rule number two DO NOT go to the previous site to showcase your latest revenge vocabulary or the index of your insults has lexically improved as parents.

Or that you still have some skills of your last kung fu classes. 



It sounds unrealistic but unless you have been put in a situation where you think you want to fight the entire world to prove your children are stars, seek vengeance and that they deserve to be treated with respect, your dream might fall short if you act silly.


Work environment has nothing to do with school, University or a home settingThe Good, The Great and The Nasty about Corporations At the cutting age of high technology, as the rate of the employment market is getting fierce, second chances are rare. Make the most out of the first ones. As a parent, your duties and responsibilities are and remain to protect your children. You might look over protective, but you are not- as the question is how old is too old to cope with heart break? How old is too old to cope with the loss of a job you wanted to keep so badly? The Bridge MAG. Image

Work environment has nothing to do with school, University or a home setting
The Good, The Great and The Nasty about Corporations
At the cutting age of high technology, as the rate of the employment market is getting fierce, second chances are rare. Make the most out of the first ones. As a parent, your duties and responsibilities are and remain to protect your children. You might look over protective, but you are not- as the question is how old is too old to cope with heart break? How old is too old to cope with the loss of a job you wanted to keep so badly?
The Bridge MAG. Image

Rejection is part of human life. Prepare to cope with wrongful rejection



Learn from your mistakes, pick your battles wisely as we are only humans.


Teach to your children not to have prejudgments and how to listen and remain calm in the face of injustice: it usually dissolves miscommunication and stops the bully from going too far and creating irreparable damage.


Non-Verbal Communication such as body language and silence are key to conflict resolution. Remember being silent does not equate to losing the battle: you have won the work ladder and riddle.


If you think you are going to confront and prove to your manager they wronged you, it might not be a good idea- just remain quiet.


If you think a voice inside you cannot bare their lies, discrimination or bullying, turn your eyes somewhere else and leave the room immediately.


Reason, calm and self-control is what differs humans from predators or animals.



Did You Know? Very few can cope or remain productive with high level Pressure.The same parental assistance some corporations maliciously groom the youth to get rid of, and ignore parental advice because they are “mature enough”, surprisingly those corporations become the same that use and drop the youth like useless pieces of rotten disposable flesh. The youth start reaching full maturity at the age of 25 and maturity has nothing to do with academic ingenuity. And humans are different. Some children start hitting full maturity in their early thirties, and be careful of prejudgments. This does not mean they are slow. Each human grows and matures at their own pace. The Bridge MAG. Image

Did You Know? Very few can cope or remain productive with high level Pressure.
The same parental assistance some corporations maliciously groom the youth to get rid of, and ignore parental advice because they are “mature enough”, surprisingly those corporations become the same that use and drop the youth like useless pieces of rotten disposable flesh.
The youth start reaching full maturity at the age of 25 and maturity has nothing to do with academic ingenuity. And humans are different. Some children start hitting full maturity in their early thirties, and be careful of prejudgments. This does not mean they are slow. Each human grows and matures at their own pace.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach your children to watch their language and Choose their Words Carefully.  Choosing your words carefully is an excellent social skill.



Work environment has nothing to do with school, University or a home setting.



The Good, The Great and The Nasty about Corporations.



At the cutting age of high technology, as the rate of the employment market is getting fierce, second chances are rare.



Make the most out of the first ones.


As a parent, your duties and responsibilities are and remain to protect your children.  You might look over protective, but you are not- as the question is how old is too old to cope with heart break? How old is too old to cope with the loss of a job you wanted to keep so badly?


Protect your children- Unlike what some parents have been led to believe, you become and remain a parent for life. Tell them you still love them even if they lose a job… Teach them from early, how to master to master the art of detachment and to know their worth. Most things in life come with an expiry date. They might not end up with that brain surgeon qualification they always wanted. They can be hired in their dream company and wrongly fired in less than 12 hours. There is no need to get noticed with a Law Suit. Not all battles in life have to been won. Corporations are very powerful entities some of them can silence you and luckily not all of them do. The Bridge MAG. Image

Protect your children- Unlike what some parents have been led to believe, you become and remain a parent for life. Tell them you still love them even if they lose a job…
Teach them from early, how to master to master the art of detachment and to know their worth. Most things in life come with an expiry date. They might not end up with that brain surgeon qualification they always wanted. They can be hired in their dream company and wrongly fired in less than 12 hours. There is no need to get noticed with a Law Suit. Not all battles in life have to been won. Corporations are very powerful entities some of them can silence you and luckily not all of them do.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Did You Know? Very few can cope or remain productive with high level Pressure.



The same parental assistance some corporations maliciously groom the youth to get rid of, and ignore parental advice because they are “mature enough”, surprisingly those corporations become the same that use and drop the youth like useless pieces of rotten disposable flesh.


The youth start reaching full maturity at the age of 25 and maturity has nothing to do with academic ingenuity. And humans are different.


Some children start hitting full maturity in their early thirties, and be careful of prejudgments. This does not mean they are slow.

Each human grows and matures at their own pace.



Protect your children- Unlike what some parents have been led to believe, you become and remain a parent for life. Tell them you still love them even if they lose a job… 


Teach them from early, how:


Protect your children: teach them from early, to be patient and believe in the Law of Natural Justice. If they have been victims of double standard treatment in their work place, they do not need to bring a colleague down to prove a point. Companies are not fools they have cameras, if they are looking for an excuse, they can create one. They can forge documents ...The Bridge MAG. Image

Protect your children: teach them from early, to be patient and believe in the Law of Natural Justice. If they have been victims of double standard treatment in their work place, they do not need to bring a colleague down to prove a point. Companies are not fools they have cameras, if they are looking for an excuse, they can create one. They can forge documents …
The Bridge MAG. Image

To master the art of detachment and to know their worth.


Most things in life come with an expiry date. They might not end up with that brain surgeon qualification they always wanted.

They can be hired in their dream company and wrongly fired in less than 12 hours.


There is no need to get noticed with a Law Suit.

Not all battles in life have to been won. Corporations are very powerful entities some of them can silence you and luckily not all of them do.



To be patient and believe in the Law of Natural Justice.


If they have been victims of double standard treatment in their work place, they do not need to bring a colleague down to prove a point. Companies are not fools they have cameras, if they are looking for an excuse, they can create one. They can forge documents …


Teach your children to be flexible with their goals. Teach by example: Show your children you still love them even if they fail an exam, if they lose a job, if they are overcoming a love and relationship heartbreak.Lead by example, your children should know they can always count on you and are always going to have a shoulder to lay their head on and rest. Work hard to accompany and support them. Ensure you earn 3 to 5 times what your children may start earning if they kick off their career as a young athlete, a junior brain surgeon… Remember they might be adults, but they are “young” adults DO NOT expect them to buy you a house or a BatMobile car before they have 7 to 10 years work experience. The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach your children to be flexible with their goals. Teach by example: Show your children you still love them even if they fail an exam, if they lose a job, if they are overcoming a love and relationship heartbreak.
Lead by example, your children should know they can always count on you and are always going to have a shoulder to lay their head on and rest. Work hard to accompany and support them. Ensure you earn 3 to 5 times what your children may start earning if they kick off their career as a young athlete, a junior brain surgeon…
Remember they might be adults, but they are “young” adults DO NOT expect them to buy you a house or a BatMobile car before they have 7 to 10 years work experience.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Below is what rejection or high-level pressure can irreversibly cause to your children or to yourself.


Only few people are able to cope with bad news, high level pressure due to rejection or bullying or a sudden loss of a job may result in causing:

                                                                                                          Heart failure, chest pain, hearth attack, strokes, blurred vision which can cause fatal accidents, shortness of breath, to young adults or senior adults.



It has been medically and scientifically proven that “High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can quietly damage the body for years before symptoms appear. Without treatment, high blood pressure can lead to disability, a poor quality of life, or even a deadly heart attack or stroke.”


Young adults’ mental health is at stake every second. They must not dwell on petty colleagues’ behaviour or discrimination as it is just work: they have a life to enjoy too.


Some parts of the youth are weak minded, or fragile and may end up taking drugs and or alcohol, to cope with a dismissal/ failure at work.



Below is what rejection or high-level pressure can irreversibly cause permanent life damage to your children or to yourself. Only few people are able to cope with bad news, high level pressure due to rejection or bullying or a sudden loss of a job may result in causing: Heart failure, chest pain, hearth attack, strokes, blurred vision which can cause fatal accidents, shortness of breath, to young adults or senior adults. It has been medically and scientifically proven that “High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can quietly damage the body for years before symptoms appear. Without treatment, high blood pressure can lead to disability, a poor quality of life, or even a deadly heart attack or stroke.” The Bridge MAG. Image

Below is what rejection or high-level pressure can irreversibly cause permanent life damage to your children or to yourself. Only few people are able to cope with bad news, high level pressure due to rejection or bullying or a sudden loss of a job may result in causing: Heart failure, chest pain, hearth attack, strokes, blurred vision which can cause fatal accidents, shortness of breath, to young adults or senior adults.
It has been medically and scientifically proven that “High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can quietly damage the body for years before symptoms appear. Without treatment, high blood pressure can lead to disability, a poor quality of life, or even a deadly heart attack or stroke.”
The Bridge MAG. Image

Find below few invaluable life lessons we are often taught too late



No matter how much we learn from social media, curricula and extra curricula activities, books, software, keyboards, there is a huge difference between practical and theoretical experiences.

Do not let you or your children learn the hardest way. Be prepared, be wise and discreet.



Do not raise your children with prejudgments/ preconceived stereotypes


Teach to your children that patience is a virtue: working hard, being patient, believing in themselves, being as honest, loyal and ethical as they can, will sooner or later lead them to a good life with a successful career!


Teach and train your children that their health is their most valuable asset. Young adults’ mental health is at stake every second. Some parts of the youth are weak minded, or fragile and may end up taking drugs and or alcohol, to cope with a dismissal/ failure at work.Your children and yourself could be at risk. No one is safe! How old is too old to benefit from parental support, advice and protection? You become and remain parents/grandparents for life!!! Unlike what you have been led to believe, children who lack parental supervision are at human traffickers’ mercy. As parents /grandparents and tutors, you have the right to increase your children’s awareness of human trafficking, drugs, organs harvesters… Did you Know? The threat is real and almost constant or permanent. “The estimate global figure for a turnover of the illicit drug industry is around $400 billion per year […] “ The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach and train your children that their health is their most valuable asset. Young adults’ mental health is at stake every second. Some parts of the youth are weak minded, or fragile and may end up taking drugs and or alcohol, to cope with a dismissal/ failure at work.
Your children and yourself could be at risk. No one is safe! How old is too old to benefit from parental support, advice and protection? You become and remain parents/grandparents for life!!! Unlike what you have been led to believe, children who lack parental supervision are at human traffickers’ mercy. As parents /grandparents and tutors, you have the right to increase your children’s awareness of human trafficking, drugs, organs harvesters…
Did you Know?
The threat is real and almost constant or permanent. “The estimate global figure for a turnover of the illicit drug industry is around $400 billion per year […] “
The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach and train your children that their health is their most valuable asset.

They should not just sleep around or have a string of one-night stands because they think they are “mature” enough to do what they want! They may put their health at risk by aiming to fill a void.



The same goes with smoking, getting involved with drugs, being accustomed to night life, of dangerous meetings/ social media consumption, posting their personal lives or work place on socials.



As a reminder: human traffickers, sex traffickers, organ, harvesting are real- they do not ONLY exist in movies. If you work hard to earn a living honestly not everyone does.


Your children and yourself could be at risk.  No one is safe! How old is too old to benefit from parental support, advice and protection? You become and remain parents/grandparents for life!!! Unlike what you have been led to believe, children who lack parental supervision are at human traffickers’ mercy.


As parents /grandparents and tutors, you have the right to increase your children’s awareness of human trafficking, drugs, organs harvesters…



Your children and yourself could be at risk. No one is safe! How old is too old to benefit from parental support, advice and protection? You become and remain parents/grandparents for life!!! Unlike what you have been led to believe, children who lack parental supervision are at human traffickers’ mercy.As parents /grandparents and tutors, you have the right to increase your children’s awareness of human trafficking, drugs, organs harvesters… Did you Know? Human Trafficking rings industry is booming worldwide and they make global profits of $150 billion a year. Traffickers exploit 25 million people annually. The United Nations Office on Drugs and crimes latest reports raise eyebrows: “According to the Report, the most common form of human trafficking (79%) is sexual exploitation. The victims of sexual exploitation are predominantly women and girls […]” The Bridge MAG. Image

Your children and yourself could be at risk. No one is safe! How old is too old to benefit from parental support, advice and protection? You become and remain parents/grandparents for life!!! Unlike what you have been led to believe, children who lack parental supervision are at human traffickers’ mercy.
As parents /grandparents and tutors, you have the right to increase your children’s awareness of human trafficking, drugs, organs harvesters…
Did you Know?
Human Trafficking rings industry is booming worldwide and they make global profits of $150 billion a year. Traffickers exploit 25 million people annually.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and crimes latest reports raise eyebrows:
“According to the Report, the most common form of human trafficking (79%) is sexual exploitation. The victims of sexual exploitation are predominantly women and girls […]”
The Bridge MAG. Image

Did you Know?


Human Trafficking rings industry is booming worldwide and they make global profits of $150 billion a year.

Traffickers exploit 25 million people annually. Also known as ‘modern slavery’, human trafficking is the crime of trading in humans using fraud, coercion, abductions to force them into cheap labour, debt bondage or sexual exploitation.


The United Nations Office on Drugs and crimes latest reports raise eyebrows:

“According to the Report, the most common form of human trafficking (79%) is sexual exploitation. The victims of sexual exploitation are predominantly women and girls. Surprisingly, in 30% of the countries which provided information on the gender of traffickers, women make up the largest proportion of traffickers.”


In some parts of the world, women trafficking women is the norm. Worldwide, almost 20% of all trafficking victims are children. However, in some parts of Africa and the Mekong region, children are the majority (up to 100% in parts of West Africa).



The threat is real and almost constant or permanent. The estimate global figure for a turnover of the illicit drug industry is around $400 billion per year.


With estimates of $100 billion to $110 billion for heroin, $110 billion to $130 billion for cocaine, $75 billion for cannabis and $60 billion for synthetic drugs. “


Your children and yourself could be at risk. No one is safe! How old is too old to benefit from parental support, advice and protection? You become and remain parents/grandparents for life!!! Unlike what you have been led to believe, children who lack parental supervision are at human traffickers’ mercy.As to the question to what happens to victims of organ harvesting? A myriad of victims of forced organ harvesting have previously been exploited through human trafficking and other forms of slavery. Other victims are murdered on demand and have their organs removed to fulfil an order. Meanwhile, the global organ trafficking industry makes an average $1.7 billion US Dollars. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) organ trade is the buying and selling of organs outside of national medical systems and for profit. Global Financial Integrity (GFI) estimates that 10% of all organ transplants including lungs, heart and liver, are done via trafficked organs. The Bridge MAG. Image

Your children and yourself could be at risk. No one is safe! How old is too old to benefit from parental support, advice and protection? You become and remain parents/grandparents for life!!! Unlike what you have been led to believe, children who lack parental supervision are at human traffickers’ mercy.
As to the question to what happens to victims of organ harvesting? A myriad of victims of forced organ harvesting have previously been exploited through human trafficking and other forms of slavery. Other victims are murdered on demand and have their organs removed to fulfil an order. Meanwhile, the global organ trafficking industry makes an average $1.7 billion US Dollars.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) organ trade is the buying and selling of organs outside of national medical systems and for profit.
Global Financial Integrity (GFI) estimates that 10% of all organ transplants including lungs, heart and liver, are done via trafficked organs.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As to the question to what happens to victims of organ harvesting? A myriad of victims of forced organ harvesting have previously been exploited through human trafficking and other forms of slavery.

Other victims are murdered on demand and have their organs removed to fulfil an order.

Meanwhile, the global organ trafficking industry makes an average $1.7 billion US Dollars.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) organ trade is the buying and selling of organs outside of national medical systems and for profit.


Global Financial Integrity (GFI) estimates that 10% of all organ transplants including lungs, heart and liver, are done via trafficked organs.


China is believed to be the second organ harvesting country after America. Since the late 1980s, China relied on executed prisoners to provide the bulk of its transplanted organs.


Teach your children to enjoy every second of their life. Time flies, be protective as a parent but do not hamper your children’s freedom, they are allowed to mingle with friends of their age range, they can have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Don’t force your ideas onto your children it can create generational trauma.


As parents, we all understand how hard it is to take in if you think a company wronglytreated/ fired or abused your children. Rule number one, DO NOT CONTACT anyone of that company as things will escalate. Rule number two DO NOT go to the previous site to showcase your latest revenge vocabulary or the index of your insults has lexically improved as parents. Or that you still have some skills of your last kung fu classes. It sounds unrealistic but unless you have been put in a situation where you think you want to fight the entire world to prove your children are stars, seek vengeance and that they deserve to be treated with respect, your dream might fall short if you act silly. The Bridge MAG. Image

As parents, we all understand how hard it is to take in if you think a company wrongly
treated/ fired or abused your children.
Rule number one, DO NOT CONTACT anyone of that company as things will escalate.
Rule number two DO NOT go to the previous site to showcase your latest revenge vocabulary or the index of your insults has lexically improved as parents. Or that you still have some skills of your last kung fu classes.
It sounds unrealistic but unless you have been put in a situation where you think you want to fight the entire world to prove your children are stars, seek vengeance and that they deserve to be treated with respect, your dream might fall short if you act silly.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach to your children how a Criminal Record may Have a Long-Lasting damageable Impact in their life



Keeping a crystal clean criminal record is of paramount importance. Before hiring, your employer always asks you to provide them with a record- to prove that you have never been involved in any criminal activities and this can heavily impact their career.


A clean record helps the youth and parents access a wide range of career opportunities that may not be available to individuals with a criminal background.


The final stage before hiring a candidate, employers conduct background checks for new employees. This can disqualify your children or yourself as a parent from getting hired.

The more severe the offense, the more challenging it will be to get a job.


Legal restraints


Having a criminal record may stray your children and yourself away from your right to vote, the right to obtain a passport and prohibit their administrative prerogatives/ freedoms.  


Difficulty in Renting an Apartment


Finding a place to live can be challenging. Landlords are often hesitant to rent to individuals with criminal records, and some have automatic policies against renting to anyone with a criminal record. Additionally, if you are released from prison, finding a place to stay is even harder as most landlords will require that you have a steady income and stable employment, which may not be possible with a criminal record.


Unfortunate Social drawbacks of having a criminal record


Your children or yourself may be victims of social stigmas and end up being socially excluded:  Friends and family members may turn their backs to you as they do not wish to be associated with non-clean siblings or family members. You may suffer from social exclusion, isolation, hopelessness, and despair.

 DO NOT LET a mistake permanently ruin your record!


People make mistakes or have done things they are embarrassed about. Even if you or your children have anger issues, work on it and work on your emotions- try not to be entirely ruled by them.


Teach and prepare your children to deal with those type of people at work and never to give back to those type of managers the physical or verbal response they are craving or hoping for.If they get abused and or wrongly sacked by a manager, they should learn to lose gracefully. The Bridge MAG. Image

Teach and prepare your children to deal with those type of people at work and never to give back to those type of managers the physical or verbal response they are craving or hoping for.
If they get abused and or wrongly sacked by a manager, they should learn to lose gracefully.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Struggle to be entitled to a credit.



A criminal record may also make it difficult to obtain credit, such as loans or credit cards. Most financial institutions are reluctant to lend money or extend credit to individuals with a criminal record. This can even affect their affordability to purchase a car, a home, or even starting a business.



A clean criminal record is essential to your children’s personal and professional success and to yours too. Having a criminal record may hamper your career options forever.


So, before you board a bus or a train without paying your ticket fare, or before your children get involved in petty crimes such as stealing sweets, shop lifting in a supermarket, slaping a teacher or a colleague, getting involved in a fight, threatening to kill even if it is for a laugh, no one is at bay.


Compromising behaviour even in a split of a second, will make it challenging to find a place to live, and restrain you or your children from certain legal rights. So, it is crucial to train your children and yourself in avoiding criminal behaviour that will lead to criminal records in your file.


Teach your children to be flexible with their goals.


Teach by example: Show your children you still love them even if they fail an exam, if they lose a job, if they are overcoming a love and relationship heartbreak.


Lead by example, your children should know they can always count on you and are always going to have a shoulder to lay their head on and rest. Work hard to accompany and support them. Ensure you earn 3 to 5 times what your children may start earning if they kick off their career as a young athlete, a junior brain surgeon, a young sales assistant.


Remember they might be adults, but they are “young” adults DO NOT expect them to buy you a house or a BatMobile car before they have 7 to 10 years work experience.


The Bridge Magazine wishes a successful back to school to children, the youth, to professionals and a lot of courage to parents and tutors in their efforts to help teachers and lecturers to train the youth who are the adults of tomorrow. As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 12th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution. The Bridge MAG. Image

The Bridge Magazine wishes a successful back to school to children, the youth, to professionals and a lot of courage to parents and tutors in their efforts to help teachers and lecturers to train the youth who are the adults of tomorrow.
As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 12th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.
The Bridge MAG. Image










                                                                                                                                                                         DO NOT Burn out their gift


They need full protection and support.


Teach to your children that once they say something or act in a certain way, whether it be on social media or at work, they should think about the consequences.


They must always be mindful and cautious of their digital footprint.


The digital footprint and traces they leave behind can be used against them by their future colleagues or employer during an interview/ profile checks as a potential employee and or candidate.


The Bridge Magazine wishes a successful back to school to children, the youth, to professionals and a lot of courage to parents and tutors in their efforts to help teachers and lecturers to train the youth who are the adults of tomorrow.


As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 12th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.


Follow the links below to purchase one or various of The Bridge Books. 


1)    Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





 2) Beauty, Health and Wellbeing Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





3) Education Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.







 4)  Love and Relationship Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





5)    True Crimes and Prevention Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






6) Economy and Investment Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






7) Soft & Hard News Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






8) Urban Legend Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






9) High-Profile People Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






10) Arts and Culture Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






11) Travel & Tourism Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






12) Politics Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.










Rachel Tcheungna,
Author, Writer of The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor


  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    A massive thank you for all your comments and words of encouragement that I receive on a daily basis regarding my articles.

    Just to note: if I do not reply to your comments individually it is because there is an overload of comments in my dashboard but I do see all your feedback and comments and we, the team at The Bridge Magazine ?️? are eternally grateful.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor ?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Une avalanche de remerciements à tous les lecteurs qui nous ont permis de faire grandir ce journal.

    Notre lectorat est la raison pour laquelle je continue à m’accrocher au stylo, au crayon et au clavier malgré la pression du travail et les difficultés du Journalisme.

    Merci infiniment de m’avoir donné suffisamment d’espoir pour garder allumée la flamme de ma passion pour le métier.

    Toute l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine ?️? exprime sa profonde gratitude à tous les lecteurs du monde entier pour avoir contribué à notre succès.

    Bien cordialement,

    L’Éditrice ?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Un immense merci pour tous vos commentaires et mots d’encouragement que je reçois tous les jours concernant mes articles. C’est fort apprécié.

    Juste pour vous dire : si je ne réponds pas à vos commentaires individuellement, c’est parce qu’il y a une avalanche de milliers de commentaires au quotidien dans mon tableau de bord.

    Je vous rassure que je vois toutes vos mises à jour et tous vos commentaires et nous, l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine ?️? vous en sommes éternellement reconnaissants.

    Bien cordialement,

    L’Éditrice ?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear ALL,

    Back to school – at the heart of our editorial: ?️? Beyond your books ? and keyboards! When combining academia and life teachings become pivotal to survive!!! This season, The Bridge Magazine ?️? provides useful advice to children, young adults and parents on how crucial it is to combine social skills and life teachings from an early stage in education, in order to cope and survive with the harsh reality of the employment market.

    Beyond successful white papers, academic excellence ?and Professional achievements: The cost-of-living increases whilst the rate of employment within the youth plunges worldwide!

    Latest Statistics in a report published by The International Labour Organization (ILO) revealed: “Youth unemployment worldwide last year dipped to a 15-year-low and is likely to continue falling throughout 2025 […] with 64.9 million people aged between 15 and 24 worldwide were unemployed last year”.

    The Good, The Great and The Nasty about Corporations: The same parental assistance some corporations maliciously groom the youth to get rid of, and ignore parental advice because they are “mature enough”, surprisingly those corporations become the same that use and drop the youth like useless pieces of rotten disposable flesh.

    if you think a company wrongly treated/ fired or abused you, there is no need to get noticed with a Law Suit. Not all battles in life have to been won. Corporations are very powerful entities some of them can silence you and luckily not all of them do.
    Protect your children!!!Teach them from early, how: to master the art of detachment and to know their worth. If they get abused and or wrongly sacked by a manager, they should learn to lose gracefully.

    Did you know? Unemployment or wrongful termination can lead to your children and yourself being at risk. How old is too old to benefit from parental support, advice and protection in order to succeed in life?

    Unlike what you have been led to believe, children who lack parental supervision are at human traffickers’ mercy.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor ?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear ALL,

    Teach your children to be flexible with their goals. Teach by example: Show your children you still love them even if they fail an exam, if they lose a job, if they are overcoming a love and relationship heartbreak.

    Lead by example, your children should know they can always count on you and are always going to have a shoulder to lay their head on and rest. Work hard to accompany and support them. Ensure you earn 3 to 5 times what your children may start earning if they kick off their career as a young athlete, a junior brain surgeon…

    Remember they might be adults, but they are “young” adults DO NOT Burn out their gift!!! DO NOT expect them to buy you a house or a BatMobile car before they have 7 to 10 years work experience.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor ?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna

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