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Bachelors of Hearts: Is it worth gambling a possible Oxbridge education for short-term celebrity fame? Modern youth is being bombarded this summer by persistent aggressive marketing of reality TV shows such as Love Island.

20 August 2018 3,727 views 2 Comments
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It’s only a small step from Love Island to Porn Hub. The porn industry and drug industry are just two sides of the same coin. The Bridge MAG. Image

It’s only a small step from Love Island to Porn Hub. The porn industry and drug industry are just two sides of the same coin.
The Bridge MAG. Image

The stakes are high as the likes of Frontier Economics and reality TV shows make parenting tougher as they openly target youth entrants at the expense of their university applications.

Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham may have ‘deserved’ to walk away with £50,000 as the 2018 Love Island winners,  however   teenager’s education is at risk as 2 couples out of  4 islanders finalists were allegedly porn hub celebrities. This could make a huge negative impact on easily influenced teenagers when it comes to decide about higher education or future pathways.

It is disgraceful that Frontier Economics suggested on its current year report on 28 July that:

‘Teenagers would be more fortunate if they were aiming for an appearance on Love Island, rather than choosing a university education.’

On Love Island’s final live show on 30 July 2018 (ITV2), presenter Caroline Flack repeated Frontier Economics’ controversial notion to ‘3.6million viewers’:

  “You could apply for Oxford or Cambridge, or you could apply for one of the most popular (and lucrative) shows on TV.”


The mainstream media is making parenting –the most difficult job in the world– even more challenging than it is already.


Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham may have ‘deserved’ to walk away with £50,000 as the 2018 Love Island winners, however teenager’s education is at risk as 2 couples out of 4 islanders finalists were allegedly porn hub celebrities. The Bridge MAG.Image

Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham may have ‘deserved’ to walk away with £50,000 as the 2018 Love Island winners, however teenager’s education is at risk as 2 couples out of 4 islanders finalists were allegedly porn hub celebrities.
The Bridge MAG.Image

According to statistics, talking about the average age of Love Island 2018 viewers,   52 per cent of the audience for the Love Island finale were 16-34 year-olds with 1.6million tuning in. 

As a parent or a guardian, how do you convince a teenager who has already been brainwashed by the likes of Love Island to choose university, sports academy, or an apprenticeship?


Easily influenced and manipulated teenagers who believe they could become millionaires overnight by either playing clowns on a TV show or earning a Porn Hub salary could be prompted to ditch university applications or to desert university if they are currently students.


It’s only a small step from Love Island to Porn Hub.


Reasons why parents and teenagers should not fall into Love Island’s darkest trap.


  • The porn industry and drug industry are just two sides of the same coin.


Porn Hub stars might look physically perfect but remember becoming a Porn Hub employee is not something one could just give a go and then change their mind afterward.

There is not an appraisal period and the porn industry is very powerful and no one can mess up with them once they have joined.


How big and powerful is the porn industry?


According to various reports, currently, the porn industry’s net worth is about $97 billion. This money is enough to feed at least 4.8 billion people a day. The porn industry makes more money than Major League Baseball, the NFL and the NBA combined.



To the question:

‘Would you desert education for the Love Island adventure? Teenagers should reply in unison NO! THERE IS NOTHING LIKE EDUCATION.



The chances of teenagers ever making it through the stampede of wannabes is virtually zero and their lack of a higher educational qualification will make finding a real job even more difficult.


Britain and the world’s ruling classes have been to university


Governing elites in UK and from around the world have replicated themselves for generations thanks to education. The Bridge MAG.Image

Governing elites in UK and from around the world have replicated themselves for generations thanks to education.
The Bridge MAG.Image


Oxford and Cambridge in particular, and the Russell Group universities graduates as a whole, make up an impressive proportion of Britain’s and the world’s elite.


Also remember John Dewey’s famous quote on education:

“Education is not preparation for life. Education is life itself”.


Governing elites in UK and from around the world have replicated themselves for generations thanks to education.

The main goal of education is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed in school and in life.


The main goal of education is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed in school and in life. Children’s success in school impacts on their achievements as adults. The Bridge MAG.Image

The main goal of education is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed in school and in life. Children’s success in school impacts on their achievements as adults.
The Bridge MAG.Image



Children’s success in school impacts on their achievements as adults, as well as the universities –if any– they attend and the professions they choose.


How well they perform in their careers and how much they can help develop their countries, their continents and thus the world, depends on the extent to which the academic ethics and values of integrity and honesty have been instilled into their mindsets.


Also, Jack and Dani supposedly had a hidden agenda as The Sun reported that Jack has been ‘liking’ pictures of Dani and her father on Instagram for weeks, indicating that he knew who her famous dad was when they coupled up.


The aforementioned declaration makes Dani and Jack winning even more  questionable and the Love Island adventure even more random and the probability of winning the show even slimmer, thus almost impossible.


As we head toward September, The Bridge Magazine can only wish good luck to would be and current UK and international students who are currently anticipating their next academic year.





The editor,

Rachel Tcheungna


  • Chloe said:

    Compelling article. Congratulations.Very well said indeed.

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear Chloe,

      Many thanks for your comments.

      Kind Regards,

      The editor

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