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As the world plans to celebrate Halloween, our editorial reflects on the paradox of life and death as a burden that mankind has to bear. To perceive death as life’s paradox enables us to evaluate and question, what it means for human beings to exist. In a bid to alleviate human suffering, The Bridge Magazine analyses what scares people about being mortal and what prevents mankind from enjoying their life and or focusing on their worthiness as human beings during their life journey.

20 October 2022 5,643 views 2 Comments
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This season at The Bridge Magazine, as the world plans to celebrate Halloween, our editorial reflects on the paradox of life and death as a burden that mankind has to bear. The Bridge MAG. Image

This season at The Bridge Magazine, as the world plans to celebrate Halloween, our editorial reflects on the paradox of life and death as a burden that mankind has to bear.
The Bridge MAG. Image

As humans, we do not choose our birth and yet we are certain to die and certain that death is irreversible:  hence our frustration, despair and disarray.

Mankind was prompt to claim his powerfulness, his intelligence and to explain how the breakthrough of human evolution has  rated us at the top of the success chain  compared to animals and other beings .

Simultaneously we ‘homo sapiens’ feel  triggered , ridiculous and mocked at for not being able to choose our birth or  to prevent our death.

Our extreme intellectual faculties seem to simultaneously inform us both that we are eternal when we are alive and that we are not as death is for ever.

The existential and non-existential enigma of humans creates in mankind a deep emptiness and by ricochet, a sense of loss and severe anxiety.


As humans, we do not choose our birth and yet we are certain to die and certain that death is irreversible: hence our frustration, despair and disarray. The Bridge MAG. Image

As humans, we do not choose our birth and yet we are certain to die and certain that death is irreversible: hence our frustration, despair and disarray.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Unable to find answers   concerning the mystery of life and death, this has urged some to adhere to something they can hang on to and give a sense to their life with a   hope that after their bereavement, their soul could be redeemed in their afterlife depending on their good or bad deeds.



This is where, religions, cults, sects and beliefs come into place. Some believe in God, in their Ancestors’ skulls, in their Blood Lines, in the Benevolent Universe, in Allah, Buddha, Jehovah…

And others believe in wealth, money, witch doctors, science, voodoo, rocks, crystals, tarot cards, spirits, witchcraft, the wind, fire , water, to earth , astrology,  palm reading … or to believe in anarchy or nothing at all.


Mankind was prompt to claim his powerfulness, his intelligence and to explain how the breakthrough of human evolution has rated us at the top of the success chain compared to animals and other beings. Simultaneously we ‘homo sapiens’ feel triggered, ridiculous and mocked at for not being able to choose our birth or to prevent our death. The Bridge MAG. Image

Mankind was prompt to claim his powerfulness, his intelligence and to explain how the breakthrough of human evolution has rated us at the top of the success chain compared to animals and other beings. Simultaneously we ‘homo sapiens’ feel triggered, ridiculous and mocked at for not being able to choose our birth or to prevent our death.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Dostoevsky once said “if God did not exist everything is permissible.”


Did he mean EVERYTHING?  If so, the anarchists or the spiteful who   claim they do not need to   live righteously and do good deeds will find refuge under the pretence of the non-existence of a deity and give themselves the ‘rights’ to rape, enslave and   kill others.


The mean-spirited will rig the game of life by deliberately live immorally: for instance:  by accumulating blood fortune in order   to afford   powerful and corrupt lawyers and media , ready to legalise all their wrongdoing.


A perinatologist, or a maternal-foetal surgeon specialist, performing surgery on an unborn baby (foetus) to help improve the long-term outcome of a child with specific birth defects. Our extreme intellectual faculties seem to simultaneously inform us both that we are eternal when we are alive and that we are not as death is for ever. The existential and non-existential enigma of humans creates in mankind a deep emptiness and by ricochet, a sense of loss and severe anxiety. The Bridge MAG. Image

A perinatologist, or a maternal-foetal surgeon specialist, performing surgery on an unborn baby (foetus) to help improve the long-term outcome of a child with specific birth defects.
Our extreme intellectual faculties seem to simultaneously inform us both that we are eternal when we are alive and that we are not as death is for ever. The existential and non-existential enigma of humans creates in mankind a deep emptiness and by ricochet, a sense of loss and severe anxiety.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821 – 1881) , was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and journalist.

Dostoevsky’s literary works explore the human condition in the troubled political, social, and spiritual atmospheres of 19th-century Russia, and engage with a variety of philosophical and religious themes.


Unable to find answers concerning the mystery of life and death, this has urged some to adhere to something they can hang on to and give a sense to their life with a hope that after their bereavement their soul could be redeemed in their afterlife depending on their good or bad deeds. This is where, religions, cults, sects and beliefs come into place. The Bridge MAG. Image

Unable to find answers concerning the mystery of life and death, this has urged some to adhere to something they can hang on to and give a sense to their life with a hope that after their bereavement their soul could be redeemed in their afterlife depending on their good or bad deeds.
This is where, religions, cults, sects and beliefs come into place.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Dostoyevsky is best known for his novella Notes from the Underground and for four long novels, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Possessed (also and more accurately known as The Demons and The Devils)



The Gift of life and the withdrawal of life with death as a metaphor of punishment.


Whatever the joy, the happiness, the anger or bitterness, life and death remain the ultimate thing that inextricably binds all humans.


Most of The Bamilékés also known as The Grassfield Tribe in the region of West Cameroon beliefs wise are culturally unique: they strongly equally believe in Christianism by being genuine Catholics for instance, and simultaneously strong believers in their Ancestors’ skulls and lineage, in their Blood Lines and in the Benevolent Universe. The Bridge MAG. Image

Most of The Bamilékés also known as The Grassfield Tribe in the region of West Cameroon beliefs wise are culturally unique: they strongly equally believe in Christianism by being genuine Catholics for instance, and simultaneously strong believers in their Ancestors’ skulls and lineage, in their Blood Lines and in the Benevolent Universe.
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According to the online Thesaurus, life is the existence of an individual human being or animal. Whereas, death is defined as the irreversible cessation of life of an individual, human being or animal.


Congratulating people for their new born baby or sending condolences messages for the loss of a loved one are important.

Kind and loving acts, words of comfort or sympathy are ways of acknowledging that you are either sharing their joy or grieving for their loss, and showing that you care about them.



Dostoevsky once said “if God did not exist everything is permissible.” Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821 – 1881) , was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and journalist. Did he mean EVERYTHING? If so, the anarchists or the spiteful who claim they do not need to live righteously and do good deeds will find refuge under the pretence of the non-existence of a deity and give themselves the ‘rights’ to rape, enslave and kill others. The Bridge MAG. Image

Dostoevsky once said “if God did not exist everything is permissible.” Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821 – 1881) , was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and journalist.
Did he mean EVERYTHING? If so, the anarchists or the spiteful who claim they do not need to live righteously and do good deeds will find refuge under the pretence of the non-existence of a deity and give themselves the ‘rights’ to rape, enslave and kill others.
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What it means for us human beings to be non – existent?


Considering all the bad humans had inflicted to their species throughout centuries, and are still inflicting to each other every day, we can conclude that there are more evil forces governing mankind than good forces.


Our editorial has a view that although no human is perfect, some are more evil than others and those who live every day of their life entertaining the evil in them do not exist.


Those who commit innumerable bad actions, or who make conscious decisions to hurt or harm, kill or destroy do not exist as humans they could metaphorically be compared to malignant miserable human species.


Their conscience is never at peace: there is a permanent reminder that their soul is corrupt, no matter what even when they pretend not to have a bad conscience by surrounding their lives with lies, calumnies, apparent and pompous signs of wealth.


To exist as a human being is to have a purpose in life. Ask yourself why do you exist? The why drives your every action and fuels your passion. It encloses your profession… or your approach to make the most out of one’s life. Living a fulfilling life means to have a goal we want to achieve on our living journey. Find what makes you passionate and how that passion can impact one person on many people around you or across the world and became your legacy. Not only because you are craving to be praised, or for fame or to make money but most importantly because you do not want to feel like your journey on earth was meaningless. The Bridge MAG. Image

To exist as a human being is to have a purpose in life.
Ask yourself why do you exist? The why drives your every action and fuels your passion. It encloses your profession… or your approach to make the most out of one’s life. Living a fulfilling life means to have a goal we want to achieve on our living journey. Find what makes you passionate and how that passion can impact one person on many people around you or across the world and became your legacy.
Not only because you are craving to be praised, or for fame or to make money but most importantly because you do not want to feel like your journey on earth was meaningless.
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As the saying goes “Greed is believed to be the source of all evil.”


To be more explicit, all wrongdoing can be traced to an excessive attachment to material wealth. The saying is believed to originate from the writings  of  the Apostle Paul. It is sometimes shortened to “Money is the root of all evil.”



Greedy people do not exist they endure life:


Their greediness and bitterness hamper, distract and corrupt their body and soul and reduce their chance to live a full and beautiful human life, to fully succeed in whatever they do.


Greed turns them into malignant miserable human species.


And whatever they think they have achieved through, calumny, violence, hate, treason ,poison, slavery, destruction, murder is just an illusion. It is   cursed from generation to generation: 


To exist as a human being is to learn new things, to develop new skills. Life is a gift and we add great value to our lives whenever we learn new things: Whether it be formal education or professional development, it is believed that the more you expand your learning, the more invaluable you become. The Bridge MAG. Image

To exist as a human being is to learn new things, to develop new skills.
Life is a gift and we add great value to our lives whenever we learn new things: Whether it be formal education or professional development, it is believed that the more you expand your learning, the more invaluable you become.
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If you entertain the following greed during your life journey, your non existence and extreme fear for death could be justified.



Greed for bad sex: (As in exploiting younger souls, steeling children lives by having sexual intercourse with children five decades younger, sex trafficking, having sex with the death and then with living people…)


Greed for dirty money: (As in making a living out of brothels, human trafficking, organ trafficking, sex trafficking rings, using cults, voodoo to enslave, to be successful and or to kill or prevent others to be successful or famous …)


Greed for fame: (As in narcissistic   greediness, destroying or killing those you cannot enslave or corrupt, killing, poisoning, destroying others because you cannot stand their success, or natural gifts…)


Greed for power: (As in enslaving, luring with gifts to destroy or manipulating other humans so they can kill each other in order for you to reign, arms trafficking, genocide, killing as many as you can, even family members to maintain power, authority, respect, fear, or wealth)


 Observational drawing of Jesus holding a lamb using different mediums by Orchidée Wafo. Age 16 ( The Bridge Magazine Young Contributor ) The peculiar element of Orchidée’s religious art work is that the faces always remain unfinished. When asked as to the reason why, she replied: “It defies the principle of a supernatural entity’s identity to remain ambiguous to the human eye. It can only subsequently be fully revealed to a person after death.” Orchidée Wafo. The Bridge MAG. Image.

Observational drawing of Jesus holding a lamb using different mediums by Orchidée Wafo. Age 16 ( The Bridge Magazine Young Contributor )
The peculiar element of Orchidée’s religious art work is that the faces always remain unfinished. When asked as to the reason why, she replied:
“It defies the principle of a supernatural entity’s identity to remain ambiguous to the human eye. It can only subsequently be fully revealed to a person after death.” Orchidée Wafo.
The Bridge MAG. Image.

Greed for intelligence: (blackmailing or killing whistle-blowers over your fraudulent academic achievement or any other achievement, extreme jealousy: not being able to stand or acknowledge other people’s natural   gift and or success …)


Understanding death as life’s paradox enable us  to live with a moral compass we set for our own self and conscience.

Not because we fear the existence of a deity, not because we fear to face prison charges or other people’ s judgement.



You should ask yourself the following crucial questions to test your level of malignancy:


Without being caught red handed, punished or stopped by a divine, law or a mystic power, would you be involved in the afore mentioned excessive greed to earn opulence, respect and power if you ever have the opportunity to do so?


If the answer is yes then it is URGENT that you review yourself, your own ‘life’ because the rate of evil in you exceeds the good in you.  Greed, is to turn you or has already turned you into a malignant miserable human species ready to destroy, to annihilate, to shine, win or to prove a point or to prevent others to shine or succeed.


Are we fundamentally, unable to clear our sense of right and wrong to silence our conscience?  Or do we   initially try to continue living, enjoying our cunning, assuming we are superhuman over others? If it is the case then death exist to bring the situation under control and remind us that our seeming power over others is an illusion.



To exist as a human being is to consider Family and Friendship as your backbone . Being surrounded by people in your life that you can call family is priceless. Our relationships are our backbone: they make our lives worthy and fulfilled. However, be honest, kind and loving but not naive. DO NOT BEG for friendship or brotherhood: be as kind and righteous as a human can be but do not destroy your health or life for pitiful, mean, and joy killers. Cut ties and stay away from negative, jealous and mean people. No matter how honest you are, no matter what good you do in life, you cannot please everyone. Get involved with people who respect you and with the people that mean the most to you. The Bridge MAG. Image

To exist as a human being is to consider Family and Friendship as your backbone . Being surrounded by people in your life that you can call family is priceless.
Our relationships are our backbone: they make our lives worthy and fulfilled. However, be honest, kind and loving but not naive. DO NOT BEG for friendship or brotherhood: be as kind and righteous as a human can be but do not destroy your health or life for pitiful, mean, and joy killers. Cut ties and stay away from negative, jealous and mean people. No matter how honest you are, no matter what good you do in life, you cannot please everyone. Get involved with people who respect you and with the people that mean the most to you.
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What does it mean for us human beings to exist?



There is no need to be afraid of dying/death as unfortunately we are destined to die.


It is part of the cycle of life thus,  we must focus on our life journey with the goals  of aiming to be worthy human beings and stay away from things such as greed that stops us from doing so.


What it means for us human beings to exist is  to make a positive impact in our personal lives and if we can , in one person or other people’s lives.

The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. How could someone exist if they just endure life rather than finding a reason to live for it?  


Chose to live for what makes your life important. It could be, without being naïve, being kind, righteous, doing good deeds whether someone is there or not to acknowledge or to praise you.


Be good because your ethics and morals are good in themselves and that you feel fulfilled by being righteous, not because the reward is a compliment, money in return or paradise in the afterlife.


Precious things can easily become lost. Sometimes, circumstances out of our control cause loss, and our own choices cause us to lose the things that mean the most. 


Whilst  our lives and priorities may differ, we must never lose touch with things that really matter to us. Those are things we must fight for. What we then classify as vital things enable us to live a life of fulfilment and not being angered or distracted by the irreversible existence of death.


It could be:


To exist as a human being is to have a high level of time management in whatever you do. Try and master the time management that suits you best. Do not rush: if it is breakfast time enjoy it as if it was your last breakfast. If it is cooking time, cook for your family and yourself as if it was a cooking show and enjoy your meal royally. If it is a job do your job as if you just received a pay rise email from your boss. The Bridge MAG. Image

To exist as a human being is to have a high level of time management in whatever you do. Try and master the time management that suits you best. Do not rush: if it is breakfast time enjoy it as if it was your last breakfast. If it is cooking time, cook for your family and yourself as if it was a cooking show and enjoy your meal royally.
If it is a job do your job as if you just received a pay rise email from your boss.
The Bridge MAG. Image

To exist as a human being is to have a purpose in life.


Ask yourself why do you exist? 

The why drives your every action and fuels your passion.


It encloses your profession, your relationships, or your approach to make the most out of one’s life. Living a fulfilling life means to have a goal we want to achieve on our living journey.

Find what makes you passionate and how that passion can impact one person on many people around you or across the world and became your legacy.

Not only because you are craving to be praised, or for fame or to make money but most importantly because you do not want to feel like your journey on earth was meaningless.


To exist as a human being is to have a high level of time management in whatever you do.


Try and master the time management that suits you best.  Do not rush: if it is breakfast time enjoy it as if it was your last breakfast. If it is cooking time, cook for your family and yourself as if it was a cooking show and enjoy your meal royally.

If it is a job,  do your job as if you just received a pay rise email from your boss.


Live every single second of your life at its finest.



To exist as a human being is to have a high level of time management in whatever you do. Try and master the time management that suits you best. Do not rush: If it is a job do your job as if you just received a pay rise email from your boss. The Bridge MAG. Image

To exist as a human being is to have a high level of time management in whatever you do. Try and master the time management that suits you best. Do not rush:
If it is a job do your job as if you just received a pay rise email from your boss.
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To exist as a human being is to learn new things, to develop new skills


Life is a gift and we add great value to our lives whenever we learn new things: Whether it be formal education or professional development, it is believed that the more you expand your learning, the more invaluable you become.



To exist as a human being is to love yourself, to maintain a positive mindset and inner peace.


Work hard to love yourself and keep a positive mindset and inner peace. Protect your peace. To be able to balance your emotions and manage relationships and stressful situations effectively. This will help you develop self-confidence



To exist as a human being is to prioritise all aspects of your Health


Make sure you prioritise all aspects of your health. With good health, anything is possible: you can live life to its fullest. It is crucial to look after your mind, body and soul. Take control of your overall health. Eat healthy, exercise daily or weekly, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and the stress that may prevent you from enjoying life.

Healthy food, beauty sleep and break time to decompress will enhance your mental and physical health.



The Gift of life and the withdrawal of life with death as a metaphor of punishment. Whatever the joy, the happiness, the anger or bitterness, life and death remain the ultimate thing that inextricably binds all humans. The Bridge MAG. Image

The Gift of life and the withdrawal of life with death as a metaphor of punishment.
Whatever the joy, the happiness, the anger or bitterness, life and death remain the ultimate thing that inextricably binds all humans.
The Bridge MAG. Image

To exist as a human being is to consider Family and Friendship as your backbone


Our relationships are our backbone: they make our lives worthy and fulfilled. However, be honest, kind and loving but not naive.  DO NOT BEG for friendship or brotherhood: be as kind and righteous as a human can be but do not destroy your health or life for pitiful, mean, and joy killers. Cut ties and stay away from negative, jealous and mean people. No matter how honest you are, no matter what good you do in life, you cannot please everyone. 


Get involved with people who respect you and with the people that mean the most to you.


Being surrounded by people in your life that you can call family is priceless. People who care for you and will always be there for you is a gift. Family is irreplaceable. Devoting time, love and energy to nurture your family relationships – not just for the sake of your family, but for yourself gives a sense to your life.



To exist as a human being is to be able of loving actions as love is believed to be the most powerful force in the universe.



Loving actions of kindness, compassion, helpfulness and care. Even if you don’t love your life itself, through loving things or people in your life you can still find meaning and purpose.

Learning how to love your place in the world helps create a positive, healthy attitude towards life. Love enables us to understand, to have mercy, to be joyful and to forgive. Love allows us to meet our emotional needs, to feel worthy and valid.

Since our destiny once we are born, is to die one day, carrying ourselves during our life journey with compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, love and peace makes us worthy.



What is Halloween? 


What is Halloween? There are many versions to the origins of ‘Halloween’. Most scholars believe that All Hallows’ Eve was originally influenced by Western European harvest festivals of the dead, which have their roots in paganism. The Bridge MAG. Image

What is Halloween? There are many versions to the origins of ‘Halloween’. Most scholars believe that All Hallows’ Eve was originally influenced by Western European harvest festivals of the dead, which have their roots in paganism.
The Bridge MAG. Image

There are many versions to the origins of ‘Halloween’. Most scholars believe that All Hallows’ Eve was originally influenced by Western European harvest festivals of the dead, which have their roots in paganism.

However, the most common theory is that Halloween was a festival thought to have originated with the Druids: A Celtic culture celebrated annually every October 31st to honour the dead. 

Celts believed that not all souls were friendly: they left gifts and treats hoping to appease the evil souls, so that they could hope for a good crop for the coming year.


Death exists to give a sense, a value to its opposite:  life. The first question when we lose a loved one is why?



Death exists so we as humans can question and reflect on our existence via our journey on earth.

To accept death, mankind must have a belief that death is his destiny, a natural part of life and something which is out of his control


If some people struggle with grief more than others it often occurs when the death was sudden, unexpected, or traumatic. It is also common when the deceased person was young, because the surviving loved ones feel a sense of injustice.


Natural law or Natural justice has its   own way to restore order : death comes into play as  the ultimate equilibrium. A divine, universal or natural reminder that we are all equal as humans. If we apply ethics and morals to humanity’s progress, we will  tend to perfection as in a pure and fulfilled life. … 


As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution. The Bridge MAG. Image

As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.
The Bridge MAG. Image

It is believed there is an unwritten rule, a natural law that people who have more good than evil in them live for ever.

Even after life the collective remembrance and aura   of all the good they have done to people during their lifetime keeps the flame of their beautiful soul alive and in peace. Their soul does not wander.


We understand the urge for mankind to go to the moon or to discover other planets for some, to multiply science fiction movies or to visit Tarot cards readings to read the future through magic…



But death is there to remind us how vulnerable we all are as humans. It looks as though the Benevolent universes is whispering to human ears that maybe, we as humans- if we cure the greed and evil in us, we could perhaps unlock the secret of life!


As a follow up and update of The Bridge Magazine’s 10th Anniversary celebration announcement, Rachel Tcheungna has published 23 educational books in both English and French which are now ready for global distribution.




Follow the links below to purchase one or various of The Bridge Books. 




1)  Global News That Never Fades: From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.





 2) Beauty, Health and Wellbeing Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.






3) Education Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






  4)  Love and Relationship Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





 5)    True Crimes and Prevention Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






6) Economy and Investment Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





7) Soft & Hard News Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






8) Urban Legend Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives





9) High-Profile People Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






10) Arts and Culture Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






11) Travel & Tourism Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives






12) Politics Global News That Never Fades: The Bridge Magazine Book – From Britain’s News to World Exclusives.













Rachel Tcheungna, 

Author, Writer of The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.






  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Dear All,

    A massive thank you for all your comments that I receive everyday regarding my articles.
    Just to note: if I do not reply to your comments individually it is because there is an overload of comments in my dashboard but I do see all your feedback and comments and we, the team at The Bridge Magazine ?️? are eternally grateful.

    Kind Regards,

    The Editor ?️?
    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

  • bridge_admin12 said:

    Chers tous, chères toutes,

    Un immense merci pour tous vos commentaires et mots d’encouragement que je reçois tous les jours concernant mes articles. C’est fort apprécié.
    Juste pour vous dire : si je ne réponds pas à vos commentaires individuellement, c’est parce qu’il y a une avalanche de milliers de commentaires au quotidien dans mon tableau de bord. Je vous rassure que je vois toutes vos mises à jour et tous vos commentaires et nous, l’équipe de The Bridge Magazine ?️? vous en sommes éternellement reconnaissants.

    Bien cordialement,

    Rachel Tcheungna ??‍♀️

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