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As depressing news headlines over student loan repayments dominate the mainstream media, The Bridge Magazine focuses on providing scientifically based mandatory advice to parents and students on how to succeed in their academic year.

20 September 2019 3,177 views 2 Comments
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Elementary, high school and university students could be compared to professional sprinters at the start of their academic year. They are all 'on your marks get set go' mode The Bridge MAG, Image

Elementary, high school and university students could be compared to professional sprinters at the start of their academic year. They are all ‘on your marks get set go’ mode
The Bridge MAG, Image

A good start of an academic year is way too crucial for parents and students from around the world to afford distractions of any kind.

Those scared by headlines over student finance misinformation risk a poor start to their academic year, bad choices in the long run and subsequently a bad return on what they have already invested in.  

Education is a long term investment that could be perceived as a golden opportunity for a better future.

Latest statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) about the economic benefits of education show that:

‘Earnings increase with each level of education. Graduates of tertiary education earn more than people who completed only upper secondary education […]. Older adults (55-64 year-olds) with tertiary education typically enjoy an even larger earning premium than the general working-age population.’


Good grades, discipline and ethics are one of the most important factors in the university admissions process. The Bridge MAG, Image

Good grades, discipline and ethics are one of the most important factors in the university admissions process.
The Bridge MAG, Image

Elizabeth Warren once said


A good education is a foundation for a better future.’

In financial terms, education and skills policy are crucial:…

Every great achievement in life comes at a price…




Follow the links below to read more:
















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.







  • Mikhail said:

    J’apprécie beaucoup depuis Montréal au Canada. Courage

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Cher M. Mickhail ,

      L’équipe de The Bridge Magazine vous remercie pour vos encouragements.
      Nous essayons quand c’est opportun, de faire un contrepoids à la désinformation afin de permettre aux lecteurs de mieux appréhender les réalités du monde contemporain.

      Merci à tous les lecteurs aux quatre coins du monde.

      Bien cordialement,


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