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Are you looking for a special place to pop that important question? Or somewhere to spend your honeymoon or wedding anniversary? Or are you seeking simply somewhere to relax, switch off and connect with your inner calm? If so, then Venice, Italy’s enchanting city on the water could be the perfect place for respite and romance.

22 January 2013 10,567 views One Comment
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Venice .Europe’s most romantic cities.The Bridge MAG image

Venice .Europe’s most romantic cities.The Bridge MAG image

The girl in view wears heavy shades, stilettos without hold-ups or leg warmers, and a skimpy skirt, which one would think is especially daring in winter; but not in Venice, one of the rare cities in Europe where the temperature hits an average of 9 degrees in early January, with three hours’ undiluted sunshine per day.

Venice is also called the ‘Floating City’ and ‘City of Canals’. It is among Europe’s most romantic cities; a dreamy, aqueous ‘man made wonder of the world’.

Everyone should visit in Venice in their life time if they can; if nothing else, to experience it’s the archetypal trip in a gondola.


In January light, Venice looks pale and fragile, wrapped round by the trembling waves, and yet still standing tall and proud of its singular aesthetics. Venice was once described by the Romantic poet George Gordon Byron, in his epic poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, thus:

I stood in Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs,

A palace and a prison on each hand:

I saw from out the wave her structures rise…



Follow the links below to read more:
















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.


One Comment »

  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Dear Amedar,

    Many thanks for your comment and your kind word.
    Have a great weekend
    With best regards.


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