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All Work and No ‘A’ Children’s education is the most important thing parents could ever invest in. But sadly some parents in the UK and from around the world may unknowingly jeopardise the achievement of their children’s A Level grades as they encourage them to enter the world of paid employment throughout the academic year.

20 August 2019 2,784 views No Comment
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Facts on A level results 2019 published by The Guardian: “This year 25.5 per cent of A-level grades were A* or A which is the lowest since 2007, figures show […]” The Bridge MAG. Image

Facts on A level results 2019 published by The Guardian:
“This year 25.5 per cent of A-level grades were A* or A which is the lowest since 2007, figures show […]”
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Paid work throughout the academic year has been damaging A Level students’ grades as they have significantly reduced motivation in lessons, new research suggests.

Good A Level grades are crucial if you want to go to university and land a gratifying career but balancing work and school has become a common concern as students on full time or nightshifts are missing opportunities to enhance their grades.

Statistics revealed a bleak outlook for A Level exam results for students who have been in full time and night shift paid work.

Studies revealed that A Level students with 100% attendance and no commitment to full time or night shift paid jobs throughout their academic year had very high grades compared to their peers in paid work.


Statistics revealed a bleak outlook for A Level exam results for students who have been in full time and night shift paid work throughout the academic year. The Bridge MAG. Image

Statistics revealed a bleak outlook for A Level exam results for students who have been in full time and night shift paid work throughout the academic year.
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Combining paid work and studies has also raised concern about students’ mental health: reports from UK academics show that excessive and unsocial hours of work sometimes lead to tiredness and depression among students.


Facts on A level results 2019 published by The Guardian:


“The number of A* and A grades dropped by 0.9 percentage points, which is the largest fall  since the Joint Council for Qualification’s (JCQ) data began in 2000.


This year 25.5 per cent of A-level grades were A* or A which is the lowest since 2007, figures show.


The number of A* and A grades dropped by 0.9 percentage points, which is the largest fall  since the Joint Council for Qualification’s (JCQ) data began in 2000.”

Students are under enormous stress throughout the academic year and need parents’ and/or guardians’ moral and financial support.




Education enables you to …


With education one can reach the pinnacle of their purpose in life as an individual within society. One can become both spiritually and financially rich. The Bridge MAG. Image

With education one can reach the pinnacle of their purpose in life as an individual within society. One can become both spiritually and financially rich.
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Education enables you to survive in everyday life…



Follow the links below to read more:



















Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.


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