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‘A Magical Christmas’ The Bridge Magazine welcomes and shares another poem from its young contributor, Orchidée Wafo, composed when she was 9 years old. It was a poem to wish Merry Christmas mostly to all children around the world!

20 December 2018 3,927 views 2 Comments
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 UK's children are stuck in unsafe Bed and Breakfast. Cameroonian infants are caught up in the ongoing Anglophone crisis. Children are lost in the midst of havoc as 'gilets jaunes' protests hit France. Uncertainty for children’s right to peaceful upbringings is everywhere. The Bridge MAG. Image

UK’s children are stuck in unsafe Bed and Breakfast. Cameroonian infants are caught up in the ongoing Anglophone crisis. Children are lost in the midst of havoc as ‘gilets jaunes’ protests hit France.
Uncertainty for children’s right to peaceful upbringings is everywhere.
The Bridge MAG. Image

This magazine is best known to stick to its editorial guideline. It has become a tradition of our publication to devote our December world exclusive editorial to highlighting the plight of children caught up in the world’s various vicissitudes.

From the UK’s thousands of children stuck in unsafe Bed and Breakfast accommodation, to Cameroonian infants caught up in the ongoing Anglophone crisis, to those children on the other side of the Channel, lost in the midst of havoc as ‘gilets jaunes’ protests hit France, to list just a few. Uncertainty for children’s right to peaceful upbringings is everywhere.

According to a recent Global Report on Children from (İNSAMER) Humanitarian and Social Research Centre, published in June 2018:


We hope Orchid’s Christmas wishes poem will rise and become triumphant by having a healing impact on children suffering in the UK and worldwide. Not to mention a peaceful Christmas to children’s souls who have lost their lives before Christmas. The Bridge MAG. Image

We hope Orchid’s Christmas wishes poem will rise and become triumphant by having a healing impact on children suffering in the UK and worldwide. Not to mention a peaceful Christmas to children’s souls who have lost their lives before Christmas.
The Bridge MAG. Image

“It is children, the most vulnerable segment of any society, who suffer the most from all of the modern world’s crises, abuses, moral decay and poverty.”

This December is not about analysing each case individually. We give a voice to a child, that of our young contributor via her poem, to send a message of peace and social justice, not only to children in war zones, but also to other disadvantaged infants in the UK and all the children

 “All believers in the Christmas spirit raise Your cups to fellowship and togetherness – Make sure you have yourself a MERRY CHRISTMAS.” Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

“All believers in the Christmas spirit raise
Your cups to fellowship and togetherness –
Make sure you have yourself a MERRY CHRISTMAS.”
Orchidée Wafo
The Bridge MAG. Image



A childhood wish is believed to come true as it usually comes from deep in the heart. A childhood wish is able to move the mountain, find the missing, overpower the existing, and thus improve the future.


We hope Orchid’s Christmas wishes poem will rise and become triumphant by having a healing impact on children suffering in the UK and worldwide. Not to mention a peaceful Christmas to children’s souls who have lost their lives before Christmas.


Below is Orchid’s aforementioned poem.




Follow the links below to read more:

















Orchidée Wafo: The Bridge Magazine

Young Contributor. In collaboration with 

Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.



  • Mikhail said:

    it’s a good job, you always have my encouragement

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear Mikhaïl ,

      Your continuous support and words of encouragement are much appreciated.
      Best wishes for the festive season from our editorial board.

      Orchid said: ” Thank you for your support and kindness”

      The editor

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