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Education systems in the UK and Cameroon are at the heart of academic fraud. Academic integrity has been shaken to its core. The world examination system has come under fire.

20 September 2016 6,060 views 6 Comments
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 The issue of examination malpractice is an international emergency situation. The Bridge MAG. Image

The issue of examination malpractice is an international emergency situation.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Academic integrity is exposed as cheating scandals unfold in developing and developed countries alike. From the UK to Cameroon via France, Canada, Japan and the USA, there is a crisis of integrity in the world’s examination systems.

Meritocratic ethics at national qualification level are at stake following allegations over the use of high tech watches in the UK with specially programmed software designed for cheating in exams, skewing exam results at the Cameroon National School of Administration and Magistracy.

In terms of cheating statistics, Professor Donald McCabe, leading expert in academic integrity, recently wrote in The Canadian Journal of Higher Education that a study of over 4,500 high school students found the following:

“72% of students reported one or more instances of serious cheating on written work”.


McCabe is often referred to as the “founding father” of research in the area of academic integrity.


World examination fraud at glance…



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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.







  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

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    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear Marcel,
      We have thousands comments in moderation an will not be able
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  • D Dunworth said:

    Great reporting on a disturbing trend. As corruption in society had been generally a business and government concern, it is clear now from where the root of the problem may stem. The lack of integrity is a breakdown in societal norms and expectations and is progressively growing.

    As your article clearly states, poverty and the lack of opportunity in general often drive negative behaviours, regardless of country. In developed and not so developed countries, the issue is the same.

    I applaud you for taking this topic to task.

    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear David ,

      Great to hear from you again. Many thanks for your Continued constructive comments
      Much appreciated. Have a great weekend ahead
      Kind regards,

      The editor

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    • Rachel Tcheungna said:

      Dear Gregorio,
      Thank you for your comments and for sharing the link to your webpage
      Kind regards,
      The editor

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