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Tchakdollar King Sings London. The British Summer Festival goes exotic: the “golden voice” of Cameroon is to perform in London.

20 June 2016 6,347 views One Comment
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Jordan Tchakounté, alias Tchak Dollar King, is set to become a worldwide phenomenon following his fast-selling number one album and his being among the artists lining up to perform in London this summer. The Bridge MAG. Image

Jordan Tchakounté, alias Tchakdollar King, is set to become a worldwide phenomenon following his fast-selling number one album and his being among the artists lining up to perform in London this summer.
The Bridge MAG. Image

Best known as the most ethnically diverse city in the world, it comes as a little surprise that a young Cameroonian rapper performs in London. 

Jordan Tchakounté, alias Tchakdollar King, is set to become a worldwide phenomenon following his fast-selling number one album, and his being among the artists lining up to perform in London this summer.

Sir Ekambi Louis Brillant once said of Tchakounte’s original unpolished talent: “Watch out, he is a diamond in the rough”.


Sir Ekambi is a world famous Cameroon-born singer who achieved fame in 1971, at the age of 23, after winning the international French singing broadcast contest.


Launched by the Music Office of French Broadcasting Television (ORTF), the singing competition was a turning point. Sir Ekambi was competing against the biggest voices of the music industry, such a Manu Dibango, the late Francis Bebey, to list a few.


On 7th June 2016, speaking to The Bridge Magazine, Jordan Tchakounté of The Njoka Gang (a name which translates as ‘music band’ from Cameroonian jargon) said: “For me, to perform in front of the British public will be a dream come true.”


Bridging musical differences


Njoka Gang musical genre is a mixture of rap, gospel and reggae. Tchakounté became popular performing several concerts a year around the world. The Bridge MAG image

Njoka Gang musical genre is a mixture of rap, gospel and reggae. Tchakounté became popular performing several concerts a year around the world.
The Bridge MAG image

“I sing for the whole world” Tchakounté once said. Remember, the Njoka Gang’s catchphrase is, “Only sky is..




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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of 

The Bridge Books and 

The Bridge Magazine Editor.







One Comment »

  • Rachel Tcheungna said:

    Dear Modesto,

    Many thanks for your advice and for the useful link
    Have a great week ahead
    The editor

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