The Morning After Thrills. This Valentine’s Day The Bridge Magazine focuses on the rise of unconventional sexual acts and socially taboo infections.
20 February 2016
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It might be time to turn up the heat and try out-of-the-box activities to arouse the fire on Valentine’s, but recent facts on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) must raise eyebrows.
The Bridge MAG. Image
As the world celebrated Valentine’s Day on 14 February 2016, three out of seven couples surveyed by The Bridge Magazine admitted to having frequently performed unconventional sexual acts to rekindle their sex lives.
Valentine’s Day is traditionally the date for romance, flirtation, expressions of love and of sexual desire. The date on which red is crowned queen of colours, the warmest and most sensual of them all, the colour of blood and rubies, and the prime choice for extroverts.
It might be time to turn up the heat and try out-of-the-box activities to arouse the fire on Valentine’s, but recent facts on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) must raise eyebrows. According to the World Health Organisation Fact sheet N°110 revealed in December 2015: “More than 1 million sexually transmitted infections are acquired every day worldwide”.
Incorporating healthy behaviours into one’s sex life are the foundation of a healthy sexual relationship.
On 13th February, in a lingerie shop in London, David (name changed), a customer in his late thirties, opened up to The Bridge Magazine and gave us the opportunity to share his views about lovers’ vulnerability to STDs on Valentine’s Day.
“No offence but having a Sexually Transmitted Diseases debate or interview on Valentine’s eve is unromantic. I am here to buy some nice lingerie for my girlfriend and that is all really.”
The Bridge Magazine respects David’s opinion. However, looking at statistics published on the 12th February 2016 in a ‘Love and Sex Survey Exclusive Valentine’…

A HAPPY COUPLE. Incorporating healthy behaviours into one’s sex life are the foundation of a healthy sexual relationship.This will help you decide when, how and with whom it is safe for you to perform some sex acts.
The Bridge MAG. Image
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Rachel Tcheungna, Author, Writer of
The Bridge Books and
The Bridge Magazine Editor.
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