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Articles Archive for 20 July 2023

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[ 20 Jul 2023 | 5 Comments | 14,074 views]
Dans la continuité de la célébration du 11e Anniversaire de The Bridge Magazine et de la mise à jour de la publication de la série des livres The Bridge Books ; Rachel Tcheungna annonce le total de la série de ses livres publiés à 23 livres éducatifs, en versions anglaise et française désormais disponibles pour une distribution mondiale. The Bride MAG. Image

Violent riots of populations protesting a police blunder in Nanterre, France: a policeman shot dead at point-blank range a teenager who had a clean criminal record without blinking.

On Tuesday morning, June 27th, 2023 in Nanterre in the Hauts-de-Seine department, a roadside check took a disastrous turn:

Nahel M…17-year-old motorist, of North African origin, from a single-parent family and from a disadvantaged neighbourhood in the region …