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Articles Archive for 20 May 2023

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[ 20 May 2023 | 2 Comments | 10,604 views]
Dans la continuité de la célébration du 11e Anniversaire de The Bridge Magazine et de la mise à jour de la publication de la série des livres The Bridge Books ; Rachel Tcheungna annonce le total de la série de ses livres publiés à 23 livres éducatifs, en versions anglaise et française désormais disponibles pour une distribution mondiale. The Bridge MAG. Image

Brexit, or the hazardous future of British farmers after the CAP: United Kingdom, when poverty and social exclusion become the norm.
Millions of Britons are being pushed below the breadline as food prices skyrocket, with thousands struggling to feed themselves and their families.
What is the future of agriculture in a country that abruptly leaves the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after having benefited from it for forty-six …