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Articles Archive for April 2018

Beauty and Health »

[ 27 Apr 2018 | 2 Comments | 5,094 views]
Did you know? Palm oil has a fatty acid profile very similar to that of breast milk. This is why palm oil is used in the composition of a myriad of infant formulas since palmitic acid represents a quarter of the fat in breast milk. The Bridge MAG. Image

La quête de la beauté  à prix fort. Avoir un teint lumineux ou mourir .
Il y a quelques jours, Caprice sortait bouleversée d’une clinique locale, brandissant  les résultats  positifs  d’un  cancer cutané causé par un traitement de blanchiment au laser.
Cette jeune banquière d’investissement,  âgée de la trentaine et vivant à Londres, ignore  comment annoncer la triste nouvelle   à son partenaire et à sa famille.
Au début …

Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 Apr 2018 | 4 Comments | 80,461 views]
1) Selon un récent sondage The Statistics Portal, la principale base de données statistiques d'Internet et des études de plus de 22 500 sources, le volume mondial des exportations d'huile de coco devrait atteindre 1,78 million de tonnes métriques en 2018. The Bridge MAG. Image.

A few days ago Caprice walked out nervously from her local clinic dumbstruck, clutching a positive skin cancer result caused by skin whitening treatment.
The thirty something investment banker who lives in London is now wondering how to break the devastating news to her partner and family.
In early April this year, when asked why she wanted The Bridge Magazine to share her experience, she burst into …