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Articles Archive for 20 January 2018

Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 Jan 2018 | No Comment | 3,682 views]
Vivement que le poème des vœux de Noël d’Orchidée, triomphe, impacte positivement sur la misère des enfants du Royaume-Uni, du Cameroun, de la France, bref du monde entier. Sans oublier de souhaiter un Noël paisible à tous les enfants qui ont rendu l’âme avant Noël. The Bridge MAG. Image

A new year is always a great opportunity for everyone to look back, take a deep breath and prepare a list of relatively important lifestyle changes they want to make.
However, if making the resolutions is relatively easy, sticking to them throughout the year certainly isn’t.
According to a recent report conducted by the Statistic Brain Research Institute, only 44% of people stick to their New Year’s …