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Articles Archive for 20 July 2017

Beauty and Health, Featured »

[ 20 Jul 2017 | No Comment | 2,936 views]
Essence de la vie, l’eau tout comme l’oxygène est indispensable au bon fonctionnement de notre organisme. Selon des faits scientifiques, le corps humain est constitué d’environ 80 % d’eau et le cerveau en moyenne de 77% d’eau. The Bridge MAG. Image

Healthcare professionals are urging people in Britain and other countries experiencing hot temperatures this summer to take action to minimise the impact of the heat on their health.
Staying cool, drinking plenty of water to maintain hydration, and avoiding sunburn by covering up or wearing high-factor creams are among the measures people are recommended to take to protect themselves in the face of higher-than-usual summer temperatures. …