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Articles Archive for 20 January 2017

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[ 20 Jan 2017 | 6 Comments | 6,645 views]
L’espoir n’est pas la consolation des rêveurs comme le pensent certains. Loin s’en faut ! Il y a un brin d’espoir en chacun de nous, sinon nous aurions déjà tous renoncé à vivre• L'optimisme a un impact réel sur votre performance, votre état de santé et par ricochet votre longévité. The Bridge MAG. Image

As we head towards the end of January, the hopes we ended 2016 with are to be fruitful throughout
2017 and beyond only if coupled with a joyful attitude, hope and optimism.
Everyone who is able to enjoy their physical and emotional attributes as human beings should appreciate how fortunate they are in shaping their own lives.
Recent sobering facts on global deaths related to stress raise some …