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[ 27 Dec 2016 | 4 Comments | 3,936 views]
We hope Orchid’s Christmas wishes poem will rise and become triumphant by having a healing impact on children suffering in the UK and worldwide. Not to mention a peaceful Christmas to children’s souls who have lost their lives before Christmas. The Bridge MAG. Image

Bientôt  l’année nouvelle, mais  le respect des droits des enfants à leur épanouissement harmonieux semble irrémédiablement compromis.
Il est de coutume que The Bridge Magazine  consacre  l’éditorial de chaque  décembre aux enfants  en zones de guerre, et /ou ceux surpris par le tumulte des atrocités de la vie. Ce Noël  c’est juste une note d’espoir  et des vœux de paix, d’amour et de bonheur  à tous …

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[ 20 Dec 2016 | 8 Comments | 5,276 views]
“All believers in the Christmas spirit raise Your cups to fellowship and togetherness – Make sure you have yourself a MERRY CHRISTMAS.” Orchidée Wafo The Bridge MAG. Image

As we head towards Christmas and the New Year, children’s rights to peaceful upbringings in the UK and worldwide seem increasingly jeopardised as current news is dominated by children caught up in the world’s various vicissitudes.
As a matter of routine, our world exclusive editorial each December has always devoted itself to highlighting the plight of children in war zones. However, this Christmas, in addition to …