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[ 9 Dec 2011 | No Comment | 2,935 views]
La seule façon d'empêcher des milliers de réfugiés forcés de quitter leur pays d'origine est pour les puissances occidentales d'arrêter l'ingérence dans les affaires de ces pays. The Bridge MAG. Image

A girl in her early teens draws on a cigarette at a Croydon tram-stop. She seems visibly elated as she explains to friends how she wrongly accused her mother of abusing her so she could escape her family home.
She says she is soon to have her own council flat, where she is looking forward to moving in with her boyfriend.
Would anyone bet that …

Economy and Investment, Featured »

[ 9 Dec 2011 | No Comment | 3,065 views]

Investors were widely expected to abandon Africa -the world’s wealthiest continent, yet portrayed as the poorest by the media – after the recent waves of publicity about the famine in Somalia.
Once again, Africa has been making headlines for the wrong reasons, and there are real concerns that lenders will no longer make funds available to support it following the Somali crisis.
“At the height of a …