Articles Archive for 9 December 2011
Love and Relationships »

Prime Minister David Cameron is considering legalising gay marriage in the UK – despite the European Union’s failure to export the policy to Cameroon -a former British colony.
The move come after Mr Cameron reiterated at the annual Conservative Party Conference in Manchester on October 5 , 2011, that he was planning to build on the legalisation of civil partnerships between same-sex couples introduced by his …
Features »

Centuries after the founder of the Zulu Empire was murdered by his half-brothers, his last words became the sword of Damocles that cursed Africa.
When Shaka ka Senzangakhona, Zulu king, was stabbed by Dingane and Mhlangana at kwaDukuza (in what has become South Africa) on September 24, 1828, the first of the two killers assumed the throne. His decision to defy Shaka’s dying words were to …