Read the news from a different angle
Our principle is to respect and protect our readers’ interests and to be faithful to their expectations while upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity in our treatment of our interviewees and the subjects of our articles. We shall try to serve our readers not with the quantity but the quality of information. Our sources will be protected, and we will …
In addition to running articles on culture and the arts, we sell masks, sculptures, DVDs, drawing...
The Bridge Magazine not only publishes articles on the subject of health and beauty, but also off...
We break all the taboos and open the door to the subject of sex and relationships by covering top...
We write stories, told as true or plausible enough to be believed, related to horrific, embarrass...
The world may have gone digital, but our travel stories will still help you to bridge global cult...
The loss of humans is ALWAYS a TRAGEDY as medical breakthroughs, religions, sects, cults, magic, politics, Artificial Intelligence, are yet to resurrect the dead.
Death disregards details: geographical, ethnic, tribal, gender, social class, skin tones!
From natural disasters such as: apocalyptic flooding in Spain, France, earthquakes in Dschang in West Cameroon, Morocco, Taiwan, casualties in Darfur, Gaza, Bagdad, Congo… by extension the unreported deaths from around the …
Alors que la crise économique mondiale atteint son apogée, les revenus des ménages chutent : l’insécurité alimentaire affecte la réussite scolaire, la réussite estudiantine, les objectifs de carrière et le mérite professionnel.
Il devient urgent pour les parents du monde entier d’investir davantage dans une alimentation de qualité pour faire éclore le génie en leurs enfants.
Alors que le monde fait face à une catastrophe du …